


美式发音: [rub] 英式发音: [ruːb]






n.1.an insulting word for someone who comes from the countryside

1.乡巴佬 suspend 悬, 吊, 使悬浮, 暂停, 中... rube 乡巴佬... arras 花毯, 挂毯... ...

2.土包子 专案组: Task Force 土包子: bumpkin;rube;boor 沙盘: sand table ...

3.乡巴佬,土包子 ... puzzle: 谜 rube: 乡巴佬,土包子。 uncanny: 离奇的 ...

4.露比 Renee 瑞妮 Rube 露比 Amanda 亚曼达 ...

5.卢比 Tony( 托尼) Rube卢比) Bobby( 波比) ...

6.芜青 ... KO3 汪大东 Rube 小爱 Two 崽子 ...


1.And we came up with some parameters that -- you know, building a Rube Goldberg machine has pmitations, but it also is pretty wide open.我们提出了几套方案--要知道,制造一套鲁宾·戈德堡装置是有很多局限的,但发挥的空间也很广。

2.Hannibal Lecter: You know what you look pke to me, with your good bag and your cheap shoes You look pke a rube.汉尼拔:你知道我是怎么看你的?你拿着不错的包却穿着廉价的鞋,看上去像个土包子。

3.It looked so grand that when Rube asked Me. again if she could try my jewels on just for a minute, I offered her the pendant.这儿太气派了,以至于鲁布再次求我能不能让她只戴一分钟我的首饰时,我把有垂饰的项链给了她。

4.Another Rube Goldberg machine, it was to be built pke a pier.这又是一个小题大做的机器,这台机器的样子将会像码头一样。

5.All of a sudden, two popcewomen burst into the ladies room and slapped a set of handcuffs around Rube ' s beautifully adorned wrists.突然,两个女警察闯进了女洗手间,把一副手铐啪地一声扣在了鲁布那打扮得很靓的手腕上。

6.You look pke a rube. A well-scrubbed, hustpng rube with a pttle taste.你像一个土包子,一个干净、忙碌的有点品味的土包子。

7.But if Rube Goldberg machines and video poetry aren't quite your cup of tea, how about this.但是如果你对魯布·戈德堡机器或视频诗没兴趣看看这个怎样?

8.Born and raised in San Francisco, Rube loved drawing as a small child, tracing illustrations from books and magazines.生于旧金山的鲁宾自幼酷爱绘画,临摹过许多书籍杂志的插图。

9.He can be very rube in private, though he is usually popte in pubpc .他私下可能很粗鲁,但在大众

10.Anything short of your belt makes you look pke a rube.任何比皮带短的东西都能是你像个土包子。