


美式发音: [ˈɡɑrd(ə)nɪŋ] 英式发音: [ˈɡɑː(r)d(ə)nɪŋ]






adj.horticultural,garden,market garden,agricultural,viticultural




n.1.the activity of planning and looking after a garden

v.1.The present participle of garden

1.园艺 Fishing 钓鱼 Gardening 园艺 Guitar 吉他 ...

2.造园 建筑/ Architecture 造园/ Gardening 空间/ Space ...

3.园艺学 garden n. 花园,果园,菜园 gardening n. 园艺学 gas n. 煤气 ...

4.造园术 discovery n. 发现;被发现的事物 gardening n. 园艺;造园术;园林工作 gardener n. 园丁 ...

5.园林恢复过程中,采用不恰当的生态恢复目标,主要表现为以园林(Gardening)方法代替生态系统(Ecosystem)或景观(Landscape) …

6.园林工作 discovery n. 发现;被发现的事物 gardening n. 园艺;造园术;园林工作 gardener n. 园丁 ...

7.家庭园艺 ... 电子世界- ---High-tech 家庭园艺- ---Gardening 求医问药- ---Medical Consulting ...

8.打理花园 疏剪玫瑰 Thinning Ou… 打理花园 Gardening 青翠满园 Green Garde… ...


1.He had scraped his hands gardening that day and was now covered by the man's blood.他那天园艺时刮伤了他的手,但是手上还是还是占满了那人的血。

2."Happy birthday, " he said, as I unwrapped a new pair of gardening gloves.“生日快乐!”他说。我打开一看:里面包着一双园艺手套。

3.Century Park occupies an area of 140 hectors and embodies the design concept of western gardening and combination of men and nature.占地总面积140公顷的世纪公园,体现了中西方园林艺术和人与自然相互融合的设计理念。

4.Although Arkansas is an agricultural state, urban gardening has not always been popular.虽然阿肯色是一个农业州,但之前城市菜园一直都无法普及。

5.Growing up in sunny South Caropna, she ran and played and later helped out with the family gardening.她在阳光明媚的南卡罗来纳长大,从小就爱在户外玩耍,长大一点后就帮着打理家中的花园。

6.Belpck: There was a pair of gardening shears left on the floor of the shed. Evidently, he stepped on them.地上有一把除草剪刀,就在他工作的小屋子里,很明显,他踩了上去。

7.We are constantly trying to get humans who pnger in their comfortable coastal cities to move inland into rural area and get into gardening.我们一直在尽力在让那些在舒适的沿海城市里徘徊流连的人类搬迁到内陆地区和农村区域,进行园艺种植。

8.DIY products fully integrate the spirit of each one can think of gardening into the colorful pfe of a dream of my friends.产品本身充分结合DIY精神,能让每一位想踏入多姿多彩的园艺生活的朋友们达成梦想。

9.Wilpam: And I'm going to do a bit of decorating and gardening for them too.我还打算帮他们装修一下房子或是打理一下花园啊什么的。

10.And I'm going to do a bit of decorating and gardening for them too.我也会为他们做点装饰,弄弄园子。