


美式发音: [ˈsʌmhaʊ] 英式发音: ['sʌmhaʊ]




adv.+v.somehow feel,somehow know

adv.one way or another,someway,by hook or by crook,come what may,come hell or high water



1.以某种方式(或方法)in a way that is not known or certain

We must stop him from seeing her somehow.不管怎么着,我们都不能让他见到她。

Somehow or other I must get a new job.我必须想方设法找份新工作。

2.由于某种未知的原因;不知为什么;不知怎么地for a reason that you do not know or understand

Somehow, I don't feel I can trust him.不知为什么,我觉得不能信任他。

She looked different somehow.不知怎么地,她看上去变了。


adv.1.in some way or by some method that you do not know or understand exactly2.for some reason that you do not know or cannot explain

1.不知怎么地 woozy adj. 眩晕的;虚弱的 somehow adv. 某种方式;莫明其妙地;不知怎么地 shelter n. 掩蔽;掩蔽处; …

2.不知何故 water-skiing 滑水 somehow 不知何故 Fridge=refrigerator 冰箱 ...

3.以某种方式 → someone 某人,有人;重要人物 → somehow 以某种方式,不知怎么的 → something 某事,某物 ...

4.不知什么原因 ◆convince v. 使…信服 ◆somehow adv. 不知怎么搞地,不知什么原因 ◆disturb v. 令人不安 ...

5.设法 convince 说服,使...相信 somehow 不知怎么地,设法 disturb 扰乱,妨碍,使...不安 ...

6.不知怎么搞地 ◆convince v. 使…信服 ◆somehow adv. 不知怎么搞地,不知什么原因 ◆disturb v. 令人不安 ...

7.以某种方法 Threaten to do sth 威胁要做某事 Somehow 以某种方法 Be about to 正要; ...

8.由于某种原因 somebody pron. 某人,有人 somehow ad. 由于某种原因 someone pron. 某人,有人 ...


1.If you somehow carry this one virus, there is only one cure. The distillation of my own blood, and I was guided to you.假如你碰巧感染的是这一种病毒,就只有这一种救治,从我血液中提取的有效成分,那我就是受到上帝指引来找你的。

2.Your commitment to your attack results in a momentum that cannot be stopped and must be expressed somehow. This expression is zanshin.你舍身一击所形成的气势会不受控制,并且一定通过某些形式表现出来这种表现就是残心。

3.But just a month ago, when the debt crisis seemed somehow less dire and more easily resolved, official Chinese anxiety was more palpable.但仅仅在一个月以前,当债务危机看起来还不那么严峻且更容易解决的时候,中国官方的焦虑却更明显。

4."Somehow working with her on 'Some Like It Hot' had brought a sense of completion to my feepngs for her, " he wrote.“不知怎么地,与她在《热情似火》中合作,让我对她的感情有了一种了结的感觉。”他写道。

5.The assumption is still that the euro zone will somehow muddle through, at least for a while.他们都认为欧元区还能应付得了,至少能再撑一段时间。

6.That's probably good news but somehow at the moment I don't seem to be wanting to be thought of as parental.这听起来不错,但当下的我不想被当做家长看待。

7.It might be possible to make a convincing case for an air strike on Iran if you could somehow erase the memory of the disaster of Iraq.如果你能以某种方式抹去伊拉克灾难的记忆,那么让空袭伊朗的主张变得令人信服或许是有可能的。

8.She said she collected her wits somehow and gestured him to a chair.她说她还是镇定下来了,打手势叫他就座。

9.That somehow we're gonna put in jeopardy this beautiful pttle blue-green ball that's just a-floatin' around the sun?还以为自己真能威胁到这个一直围着太阳转的美丽的蓝色小星球了?

10.Somehow they did not seem to get an opportunity to object.不知怎么地,他们看起来连反对的机会都没有。