




1.有毛病 so far 就是那么多;到目前为止 something the matter 有毛病 stand a chance 有希望,有成功可 …

2.有问题 ... 悬而未决的问题 an outstanding issue 有问题 something the matter 小问题 a minor question ...

3.出错 17. bring down( 取下) 18. something the matter( 出错) 19. offer sth. to sb.( 向某人提供某物) ...


1.she had something the matter with her back.他的后背有点问题。

2.But the problem is that as long as she touches something, the matter will be melt, whatever it is metal, wood, or plastic cement.可是问题是任何东西只要被公主摸到都会融化,不管是金属啦,木头啦,塑胶啦,只要被她摸到,一定溶化!

3.Never mind, that old cove who has something the matter with his paw I know, and that I'm positive.无论如何,这个爪子上有点东西的老头,我肯定认得他。

4.He says there's something the matter with your heart?他说,有些事你心中的问题?

5."Is something the matter, dear, " she said.“怎么啦,亲爱的,”她说。

6.I dare say you'll catch a bad cold, or a fever: you have something the matter with you now! '我敢说你一定要受凉,或者发烧:你现在就有点不大对了!

7.Is there something the matter with you?你有什么问题吗?

8.There seems to be something the matter with the machine.这机器好像出了毛病。

9.who wouldn't begin to think that there was something the matter with her?谁会想到她说的是真的?

10.What? You! ? You've been eating pke a bear the whole trip. Is something the matter?什么?你!?这整趟旅行你都吃很多。有什么问题吗?