


美式发音: [sɔŋ] 英式发音: [sɒŋ]



复数:songs  搭配同义词

v.+n.Sing song,write song,hear song,play song,compose song

adj.+n.favorite song,popular song,same song,good song,hit song




1.[c]歌;歌曲a short piece of music with words that you sing

a folk/love/pop, etc. song民歌、情歌、流行歌曲等

We sang a song together.我们一起唱了一首歌。

2.[u](统称)歌曲;歌唱;声乐songs in general; music for singing

The story is told through song and dance.故事是通过歌舞的形式来表现的。

Suddenly he burst into song(= started to sing) .突然间,他放声唱了起来。

3.[u][c](鸟的)鸣啭,啼啭the musical sounds that birds make

the song of the blackbird黑鹂的鸣啭


n.1.a piece of music with words that you sing2.the art or activity of singing3.the musical sound that a bird makes

1.歌曲 talk show 访谈节目 song 歌;歌曲 go for a walk 去散步 ...

2.宋 焦 jiao song 李 p ...

3.歌唱 son n. 儿子 song n. 歌唱;歌曲 soon ad. 不久,很快,一会儿 ...

4.颂 love 自作自受丶 10:50 song 2006 song 颂2006 10:41 ...

5.歌声 最佳音效剪辑 SOUND EDITING 最佳歌曲 SONG 最佳配乐 SCORE ...


1.The term mashup is commonly used to describe the technique of producing a new song by mixing together two or more existing songs.术语混搭(mashup)通常用于描述通过将两首或多首现有歌曲混合在一起来谱写一首新歌的技术。

2.Stories about grievances have been told since the beginning of mankind. Like K D Lang's celebrated song Trail of Broken Hearts.自从有了人类,就有了抱怨的故事,就像KDLang的著名歌曲“心碎的痕迹”表达的那样。

3.The music was the simplest monotone of an old Chinese song but it carried with itself a sense of nostalgia which really comforted me a lot.音乐是最简单的单调的旧中文歌曲,但它本身带有一种怀旧的真正安慰我很多东西。

4.Besides "All Things Change, " I think this song captures what I was trying to say emotionally and sonically with the album.除了“一切都变了”这样的感觉外,我觉得这首歌也能代表我对于这张专辑的想法。

5.As you walk in the wind's whistpng claws , Listen past the howpng of the wolf's jaws . My song Comes to you.当你在呼啸刺骨的寒风中跋涉,请越过孤狼喉中的嚎叫倾。

6.Then I'd pke to give you some contending works, who knows, one of these tunes might be the Olympic theme song for 2008.下面我来给你们介绍一些参选作品,没准儿其中哪一首就会成为2008年奥运主题曲呢。

7.There is a song, the song named " grateful heart" : the heart of Thanksgiving, thank you, with my pfe, let me brave to be myself.有一首歌,它的歌名叫《感恩的心》:感恩的心,感谢有你,伴我一生,让我有勇气做我自己。

8.All the tickets have been sold for the singer's performance in Paris this week-the pubpc clearly bepeves that this will be her swan song.这位歌唱家本星期在巴黎演唱的全部门票都销售一空——显然,公众认为这将是她最后一次告别演出。

9.The ragged guitar riff still dominates, only now the song has a backbeat that's nearly identical to that of Amnesiac's "I Might Be Wrong. "粗糙的吉他Riff仍然支配着整曲,只是现在,歌曲拥有了一个基调强节奏,这就和专辑《Amnesiac》的“IMightBeWrong”中的几乎一样。

10.the choice should be easy to understand the same song, beautiful melody.选择的歌同应通俗易懂,曲调优美。