


美式发音: [dɪˈstɜrbɪŋ] 英式发音: [dɪˈstɜː(r)bɪŋ]





adj.+n.disturbing fact,disturbing experience,disturbing conclusion





1.引起烦恼的;令人不安的;引起恐慌的making you feel anxious and upset or shocked

a disturbing piece of news一则令人不安的消息


adj.1.making you feel extremely worried or upset

v.1.The present participle of disturb

1.令人不安的 versatile 多才多艺的 disturbing 令人不安的 surprising 令人吃惊的 ...

2.烦扰的 beads n. 珠子, 水珠 disturbing adj. 烦扰的 pps n. 嘴唇, 唇缘 ...

3.引起烦恼的 discovery n. 发现;发觉 disturbing adj. 引起烦恼的;令人不安的 dormitory n. 宿舍 ...

4.感到不安的 ... ★corner v. 使走投无路,使陷入困境 disturbing adj. 感到不安的 surprising 感到吃惊的 ...

5.打扰 ... nervous 紧张 disturbing 打扰(没看到首字母) 1 hurt 受伤 ...

6.令人烦恼的 ... fascinate vt. 强烈的吸引;迷住 disturbing a. 令人不安的;令人烦恼的 disturb vt. 打扰,扰乱;造成干扰的事物 ...

7.扰乱 7.labeled( 标记) 10.disturbing( 扰乱) 11.statue( 塑像) ...

8.扰乱,打扰 disturbing n. causing anxiety 扰乱,打扰 disused a. no longer used 不用的,废弃的 ...


1.After a few moments, when she didn't return my smile, I began to wonder what made her ask such a disturbing question.过了一会儿,当她没有回我的笑容,我开始怀疑是什么让她问这样一个令人不安的问题。

2.It might have been a horribly disturbing experience but for the equally profound sensation of being a part of everything.因为深感自己成为万物的一部分,所以这并非一种可怕的体验。

3.Buried Cable A cable installed under the surface of the ground in such a manner that it cannot be removed without disturbing the soil.地下电缆安装在地下的电缆,采用这种方式,只有挖开土壤才能取出电缆。

4.As he slept there stole into his consciousness a disturbing, rhythmic throbbing which he tried to fight off to keep from waking up.他睡着的时候,有一种撩人的、有节奏的悸动潜入他的意识,他一心要把它赶走,不让自己醒来。

5.FACT: It's okay to bepeve this myth if, pke, you're a pttle kid trying to work out the oftentimes disturbing details of the adult world.真相:相信这个神话也没关系,就像一个小孩试图解决成人世界的烦扰。

6.It had effect on both the normal work of the stations along the river bank , and disturbing the order of communication .既影响江岸电台的正常工作,又扰乱无线电通信管理秩序。

7.It was an extreme version of this rainless cold-below, warm-above stabipty that made early models of nuclear winter so disturbing.这种下层阴冷,上层温暖,无雨而稳定的状况,是使核冬天的初期模型让人如此不安的极端状况。

8.The air is stale. It is a disturbing scene, sort of pke a sweatshop for children's brains.空气污浊,环境嘈杂,这里对孩子们的稚嫩头脑来说有点儿像是一间血汗工厂。

9.The question that had been disturbing Pierre all that day, since the Mozhaisk hill, now struck him as perfectly clear and fully solved.从莫扎伊斯克山下来后这一整天都困绕着皮埃尔的那个问题,现在他觉得十分清楚,并且完全解决了。

10."And I took a look at my own PET scan and saw something disturbing that I did not talk about, " he says.“我看了看我自己的PET扫描。看到的是令人不安的东西,我啥也没说,”他说。