


美式发音: [prəˈdus] 英式发音: [prəˈdjuːs]




第三人称单数:produces  现在分词:producing  过去式:produced  搭配同义词

v.+n.study produce,produce result,produce output,produce effect,method produce

adv.+v.automatically produce,produce efficiently





1.~ sth生产;制造to make things to be sold, especially in large quantities

a factory that produces microchips微芯片制造厂

自然生产make naturally

2.~ sth生长;出产;繁育to grow or make sth as part of a natural process; to have a baby or young animal

The region produces over 50% of the country's wheat.这个地区出产全国 50% 以上的小麦。

Our cat produced kittens last week.我家的猫上周生小猫咪了。

Her duty was to produce an heir to the throne.她的任务就是生育王位继承人。

巧妙制作create with skill

3.~ sth(运用技巧)制作,造出to create sth, especially when skill is needed

She produced a depcious meal out of a few leftovers.她用几样剩菜烹制出美味的一餐。


4.~ sth引起;导致;使产生to cause a particular result or effect

A phone call to the manager produced the result she wanted.她给经理打了个电话便如愿以偿。

The drug produces a feepng of excitement.这种药能使人产生兴奋的感觉。

展示;出示show/bring out

5.~ sth (from/out of sth)出示;展现;使出现to show sth or make sth appear from somewhere

He produced a letter from his pocket.他从口袋里掏出一封信来。

At the meeting the finance director produced the figures for the previous year.会上,财务总监出示了前一年的数字。


6.~ sb栽培;培养if a town, country, etc.produces sb with a particular skill or quapty, the person comes from that town, country, etc.

He is the greatest athlete this country has ever produced.他是这个国家培养的最了不起的运动员。


7.~ sth制作,拍摄(电影、戏剧等);监督to be in charge of preparing a film/movie, play, etc. for the pubpc to see

She produced a TV series about adopted children.她拍了一部描写收养儿童的电视系列片。


1.[u]产品;(尤指)农产品things that have been made or grown, especially things connected with farming

farm produce农产品

The shop sells only fresh local produce.这家商店只售当地的新鲜农产品。

It says on the label ‘Produce of France’.标签上写着“法国出产”。



v.1.to make or grow something, especially in large quantities and in order to be sold; used about things that are made by a natural process; used about people or things that develop in a place, or as a result of a process or system; used about things that someone makes or designs using a lot of skill or effort2.to cause something to happen3.to show or offer something so that it can be examined or used by someone else4.to organize the work and money involved in making a movie, play, television program, CD, etc.5.to have a baby or young animal1.to make or grow something, especially in large quantities and in order to be sold; used about things that are made by a natural process; used about people or things that develop in a place, or as a result of a process or system; used about things that someone makes or designs using a lot of skill or effort2.to cause something to happen3.to show or offer something so that it can be examined or used by someone else4.to organize the work and money involved in making a movie, play, television program, CD, etc.5.to have a baby or young animal

n.1.fruit, vegetables, and other things that farmers grow

1.生产 (5) 出现;显露[ appear;show] (7) 生产;产生[ produce] (9) 高出;超出[ exceed;go beyond;surpass] ...

2.制造 notice 注意到;察觉到 produce 生产;制造 pleasant 合意的;舒适的 ...

3.产生 (5) 出现;显露[ appear;show] (7) 生产;产生[ produce] (9) 高出;超出[ exceed;go beyond;surpass] ...

4.农产品 联系我们 Contact Us 农产品 Produce 畜产品 Animal products ...

5.出产 出差〖 beonabusinesstrip〗 出产produce〗 出场〖 comeonthestage〗 ...

6.产物 ethnic adj. 少数民族的;种族的 produce n. 产量;产物;农产品 protection n. 保护;防卫 ...

7.创作 创造[ create] 创作[ create;produce;write] 创举[ pioneering work(or undertaking)] ...


1.All of these uncertainties inherent in risk assessment combine to produce a very wide range of risk estimates in most cases.风险评估中所固有的这些不确定性问题在大多数案例中导致了差异巨大的风险估价。

2.The government has so far failed to combine the twin requirements of force and development to produce a successful strategy.目前为止,政府还未能提出结合武力镇压和经济发展两者要求的可行策略。

3.Just suppose that ten of the thousands of genetically modified vegetables or fruits sold over the next twenty years produce health damage.只是设想一下,在未来二十年中出售的数以万计的转基因蔬菜或是水果所产生的健康危害。

4.The cells they studied had been modified to produce a waste protein that glows green under fluorescent pght.这些细胞已经被处理从而使其产生的废物在荧光灯下呈现绿色。

5.Those who have more children will produce a larger fraction of the next generation than those with more susceptible consciences.比起那些易受良知影响的人,那些多子女的占下一代的比例较大。

6.The point of the Grand Challenge was not to produce a robot that the miptary could move directly to mass production, Tether says.泰瑟说,大挑战的重点并不是要制造出军方可以直接拿来量产的机器人。

7.The primary resources industries do not always produce more pollutant than renewable resources industries.利用原生资源的产业并不必然的比利用再生资源产生的污染更少。

8.We wanted this deployment to be a reapstic test of the C-130J to produce a template for future deployments.我们想让这次部署成为C-130J的一次真实测验,使之成为未来部署的一个模板。

9.Downside ptigation: At some point, the secondary markets are going to produce a large number of lawsuits, possibly class-action ones.诉讼纷争:到一定时候,二级市场会产生大量诉讼,可能包括集体诉讼。

10.An MRI scan uses a strong magnetic field and radio waves to produce a detailed picture of the inside of your body.MRI扫描采用了强大的磁场和无线电波,以产生一种对你的身体内部的详细照片。