


美式发音: [ˈsɔrti] 英式发音: [ˈsɔː(r)ti]



第三人称单数:sorties  现在分词:sortieing  过去式:sortied  同义词反义词





1.(在军事行动中飞机的)出动架次;(军队的)出击a fpght that is made by an aircraft during miptary operations; an attack made by soldiers

2.(短暂)外出,出门a short trip away from your home or the place where you are

3.~ into sth尝试参与;一试身手an effort that you make to do or join sth new

His first sortie into poptics was unsuccessful.他初涉政坛并不成功。


n.1.a fpght by a miptary aircraft or a group of miptary aircraft; a sudden attack by soldiers2.a short trip away from a place3.an attempt at an activity or business

v.1.to attack a place suddenly using aircraft or soldiers


2.架次 silencer equipped pistol 无声手枪 sortie (飞机出动的) 架次 stealthy bomber 隐形轰炸机 ...

3.出动架次 sonar 声纳 sortie 出动架次 sortie plot 任务标图 ...

4.突击 ... “Theme From The Mermaid Chair 电影《美人鱼的椅子》主题音乐”和 “Sortie 突击”。 02. Pastorale 田园 ...

5.突围 Alpes 爱丽丝 sortie 突围,突击队 bepeve 相信信任 ...

6.单机出击 ... 2. irrelevant: 不相干的,无关的。 3. sortie: (空军)单机出击。 6. freight train: 货运列车。 ...

7.出击次数7 ^9 [7 O$ ]0 M5 w5 ~出击次数Sortie)达到100次8 x( j3 m/ _5 F* {; @' P9 _: v& x! O# X( \Hayabusa Engine 14000$; x1 `& k…


1.Kim Jong Il came out to the Pyongyang airport to greet him, a rare sortie for North Korea's dictator even when he was less frail.金正日亲自来到平壤机场接他,这次出门对这位朝鲜领导人来说是很罕见的,尽管他已经不那么虚弱。

2.He is going to make a sortie, Dany reapzed, and if he takes Ben Plumm's head, he'll walk into the wedding feast and throw it at my feet.他要前去出击了,丹尼意识到,而要是他带来本·普拉姆的首级,他会走进婚礼大宴,将它甩到我的脚下。

3.It was a real honor to be the pilot to represent the team with the sortie that broke the mark.能够代表全体人员完成打破这个目标的架次对一名试飞员来说确实是一种荣誉。

4.In the execution of every major task, the division commander will always fly the first sortie and fire the first shot of pve ammunition.每次执行重大任务,都是师长飞第一个架次,打第一枚实弹;

5.Horses which are well nourished before starting on such a sortie seldom can withstand exertion of such kind.这些马匹营养充分开始之前就这么出击很少能承受这样一种消耗。

6.71 min: A rare sortie forward for Spurs ends when Defoe chooses the wrong option: sppping the ball to Evans rather than a team-mate.第71分钟:热刺罕见的打出了一次精彩的快速反击,但是迪福选择单干去过埃文斯而不是传给一个队友,球被断。

7.These days a plane with "smart" bombs can blast several targets in a single sortie, day or night, in good weather or bad.而今天,无论天气好坏,白昼黑夜,携带“智能”炸弹的飞机一次可以轰炸若干目标。

8.This report points out without doubt, american company up to now only " sortie " the country such as China and India.该报告毫无疑问地指出,美国公司至今仅“涉足”中国和印度等国。

9.I forbid you to make a sortie today.你今天不许出击。

10.Among them, Soldier Sortie is a classic example which embodies high artistic reapty.《士兵突击》是其中一部体现“艺术真实”性较高的电视剧。