

soul music

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n.soul,gospel,rhythm and blues,blues,funk


soul-music— see alsosoul


n.1.a type of African-American music that developed in the 1960s, combining r & b with pop, rocknroll, and gospel styles. Soul music usually has a strong beat and places emphasis on singing. It is often simply called soul.

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6.黑人音乐 rough music 喧嚣声 soul music [美]黑人音乐 music 音乐 ...

7.黑人灵魂乐黑人灵魂乐soul music)的曲风也是最成人化的一回。heartcatch的福音音乐(godspel)、fresh的R&B风格孩子们都能够接 …


1.New Year's concert in Chengdu, the singers and orchestra join forces for a dedicated audience Chengdu hearing, vision, soul music feast!在蓉城的新年音乐会中,歌唱家们和乐团的联手演绎,为蓉城观众奉献一台听觉、视觉、心灵的音乐盛宴!

2.R & B than blues and rock in an important transition between the music, it was blues and soul music between the most important branch.不仅仅是在布鲁斯和摇滚乐之间的一种重要的过渡音乐,它还是布鲁斯和灵魂乐之间最重要的音乐分支。

3.To play soul music, the children always have a place is pure, Xu Song music playing in between the fingers.玩音乐的孩子心灵总有一块地方是纯净的,许嵩将音乐把玩在十指之间。

4.Characterized by intensity of feepng and earthiness in its earpest stages, soul music was found most commonly in Southern US.在早期。灵魂音乐的特点是具有朴实强烈的感情色彩,当时它在南美最受人们的欢迎。

5.He calls "Mask" an R&B ballad with a few elements of soul music.他所谓的“面具”的的R&B情歌几个要素的灵魂音乐。

6.SOUL music is a style of pop music developed by African-Americans combining elements of gospel music and rhythm and blues.灵魂音乐是流行音乐的,是由非裔美国人融入教堂音乐和蓝调元素后发展而来的。

7.Soul music was not fashionable, and the Jackson 5 were thought of as a transient novelty act.那时灵魂音乐并不时尚,杰克逊五兄弟被认为仅仅会是昙花一现。

8.Catchy rhythms, stressed by hand claps and extemporaneous body moves, are an important feature of soul music.简单易记的节拍,击掌伴奏以及即兴的身体摆动,是早期灵歌的最主要特征。

9.Decades before Marvin Gay and Steve Wonder raised the bar for social commentary within soul music .在玛文·肯和斯蒂夫·旺将社会评论与黑人音乐有机结合的十几年前。

10.Body and soul, music and dance conceive an instrument of expression through which the spirit communicates.身体和灵魂,音乐和舞蹈是情感表达的乐器,人们通过弹奏这件乐器实现精神的交流。