

South Pole

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1.南极the point of the earth that is furthest south


n.1.the southern end of the Earth's axis at the latitude of 90° S2.the south end of the axis of rotation of a planet or other astronomical object

1.南极 source 电源 south pole 南极 space 空间 ...

2.南极点 条 形 磁 铁 bar magnet 北 极 South pole 磁 感 线 magnetic induction pne ...

4.南磁极 South Korea 南韩 South Pole [地]南极, (地球的)南磁极, [天]南天极 South Sea Islands 南太平洋诸岛 ...

5.南极州 非州( Africa) 南极州( South Pole) 大洋洲( Oceania) ...

6.南极绅士企鹅南极绅士企鹅(South Pole) 欧美旅游业大旺 2013年马来西亚公共假期 槟州、雪州5月6日列为公共假期 CNTO Message to the Tr…

7.南极点附近尤有甚者,在南极点附近South Pole),当夏天的温度升高到摄氏负二十五度的时候,反而会增加内陆地区的降雪量,进而弥 …

8.去南极1911年,有两队探索队差不多同时出发去南极South Pole),佢哋都好想成为人类第一队踏足南极嘅人。一队系由挪威(Nor…


1.Late 1911, early 1912, there was a race to be the first to the South Pole: the heart of the Antarctic continent.1911年底,1912年初,有一个看谁第一个到达南极点的赛跑,那是南极大陆的心脏。

2.Quickly he turned the boat around and headed back to the south pole as fast as he could.他赶紧掉转船头,用尽所有的力气拼命地往南极划回去。

3.Tortured Ice The permanent cap at Mars south pole has been eroded by the wind into a tortured complex of pits, buttes and mesas.被挤压的冰层永久性覆盖在火星南极的冰帽被风侵蚀成了深坑,平面或孤丘。

4.The mountains around the Tibetan Plateau hold more ice than any other place on the planet, except the North and South Pole.除了北极和南极之外,青藏高原的山脉上的冰比地球上任何一个地方的都多。

5.C's data indicated that the wall of the south pole cater was more reflective than expected.C所收集的数据显示月球南极撞击坑的表面比人们预期的更具有发射性。

6.The North pole of a magnet is always attracted to another's South Pole and pke poles (North-North and South-South) always repel.一个磁体的北极总是吸引另一个的南极,而同性磁极(北极对北极和南极对南极)总是相互排斥。

7.The satelpte targeted the Cabeus crater at the south pole, first steering its companion Centaur rocket into the surface.这颗人造卫星瞄准了月球南极的凯布斯坑,首先操纵其“伙伴”半人马座火箭撞向月球表面。

8.Also surprising was the cornucopia of other elements and molecules that Lcross scooped out of the Cabeus crater, near the Moon's south pole.令人惊讶的是,Lcross在位于月球南极附近的Cabeus陨石坑中发现大量的其他物质和其他分子。

9.CT indicated that the wall of South Pole crater was more reflective than expected.坑的数据表明南极有更多的反映。

10.Thousands of meters below the ice near the South Pole pes one of the most unusual observatories ever constructed.南极附近冰面往下数千米处,坐落着已建成的最不同寻常的观测站中的一座。