


美式发音: 英式发音: 




n.1.the direction that is between south and east. The south-east is the part of a country that is in this direction.

adj.1.in the south-east, or facing towards the south-east

1.东南 东 / East: 东南 / South East: 西南 / South West: ...

2.东南地区,大伦敦郡地区,西南地区(South West),东南地区South East),1994年梅杰政府就在这9个地区设立了区域政府办公 …

3.东南区 S=South 南方 SE=South East 东南方 NE=North East 东北方 ...

5.东南部 North West 西北部 6% South East 东南部 7% South West 西南部 9% ...

6.英格兰东南英格兰东南South East),大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国(英国)英格兰领土的一部分。面积:19,096(km2) ,人口:8,000,5…

7.南东约定俗成,没有什么特别的理由,就好像美国人把东南方向叫做“南东”(South East)一样。评论| 胡斯鹅黄 |十八级采纳率56% …


1.Meanwhile, in South-East Asia, factories fpng out suits by the thousands that sell for just a few pounds each.同时,东南亚的工厂的廉价劳动力让原来上千上万英镑的衣服变成了几磅在卖。

2.The south-east of England was the hardest hit at the beginning of the week but the snow is now moving northwards where the chaos continues.这个星期的一开始,英国的东南部地区是受袭最严重的,但是现在雪已经向北部转移。

3.Sean Maloney grew up in gritty South East London, last in a pne of six kids, and got kicked out of school at age 15.马宏升在伦敦东南部长大,是家里六个孩子中最小的。他15岁就辍学了。

4.The earth is nothing but dirt and rocks piled up really thick. North, south, east and west: it goes off in every direction.底无非是堆积起来很厚很厚的泥土和石块,东西南北西四面八方到处都有。

5.As the south-east has always been the least developed part of the island, this means its appeal can only grow.由于这个岛的东南部向来是开发最少的地带,这就意味着它的吸引力只会与日俱增。

6.But if Mr Erdogan is bold enough to seize the moment, he could yet crown his premiership with a peace settlement in the south-east.但是,如果埃尔多安能勇于面对、把握时机,解决东南地区和平问题,便可为其总理任期画上完美一笔。

7.It was one of the chain of fortifications built around London by the Normans to control the south-east of England.它是诺曼底人在伦敦周围建造的用来控制英国东南部的防御工程的一个链条。

8.This might be less of an issue in India, just as it is less an issue in South East Asia.这在印度就是不太可能发生的事情,也就是在东南亚也是不太可能的事情。

9.South-East Asia has seen how China is ready to bully Japan over contested waters in the sea between them.东南亚已经看到中国在同日本有争议的海域问题上是如何向日本挑衅的。

10.south-east London, was on a sun lounger when the boat mounted the beach in August 2002, his mother Andrea said.两岁的保罗。加拉格尔来自伦敦东南部的奥尔平顿,当飞艇冲向海滩的时候,他正好在躺椅上睡觉。他母亲说道。