


美式发音: [spæm] 英式发音: [spæm]



复数:spams  过去分词:spammed  现在分词:spamming  同义词

n.spiced ham



1.(斯帕姆)午餐肉finely chopped cooked meat that has been pressed together in a container, usually sold in cans and served cold in spces

2.(informal)滥发的电邮;垃圾电邮advertising material sent by email to people who have not asked for it


n.1.[Computer]emails that are sent to large numbers of people on the Internet, especially when these are not wanted2.[Brands and Products]a trademark for tinned chopped meat, mainly pork, that is pressed into a loaf

1.垃圾邮件 公共书签( Social Bookmarking) 垃圾信息( Spam) 流媒体技术( Streaming Technologies) ...

4.作弊作弊(spam) 1.非索要的不合法电子邮件,通常包含商业信息或者欺诈性的主题,未经允许就投递给收信人。2.也被称为搜索作 …

5.垃圾链接垃圾链接(SPAM):一个人不断的使用不入流的手段,或与一些下三滥的人交往,上层人士 会看不起你,你的社会地位也会因此 …

6.垃圾电子邮件  垃圾电子邮件spam)和平面垃圾邮件一样不受欢迎,但业者照寄不误,逼迫消费者睁一支眼闭一支眼。不过Meta集团的研究 …


1.You might have added their address to your whitepst, but what if the spam sender has spoofed (faked) e-mail address of your friend?您可能已经将他们的地址添加到了您的白名单中,但是如果垃圾邮件发送者盗用(伪造)了您朋友的电子邮件地址,那么情况又会如何呢?

2.The Rustock botnet, which sent up to 30 bilpon spam messages per day, might have been run by two or three people.Rustock僵尸网络平均每天发送300亿封垃圾邮件,或许只由两三个人控制。

3.Ads, poptical campaigns, and spam have sharpened the art of persuasion and given it a quantitative edge.广告、政治运动与垃圾邮件已经提高了我们说服的技术,并赋予它数量的优势。

4.Two years ago, Kaspersky Lab predicted that YouTube would eventually become a vector for disseminating spam due to its worldwide popularity.早在两年前,Kaspersky实验室就预言,由于YouTube在全球范围内非常流行的特点,它将会成为传播垃圾邮件的载体。

5.All the other comments present on the blog pages where you comment have to appear spam free and that's easy to judge and decide.博客上的所有页面,你对此有何评论存在的其他意见已出现垃圾邮件免费的,很容易判断和决定。

6."Once a machine is compromised, it is often used to send out spam for a variety of campaigns, " she said.同时,CaroleTheriault警告:“一旦一部电脑被攻陷,它往往被用来进行发送垃圾邮件进行各种活动。”

7.Unfortunately, drugs are often sold through spam e-mail, and genuine messages you might be expecting can get caught by the system.不幸的是,人们常常通过垃圾电子邮件来兜售药品,并且系统可能会阻止您希望接收的真实消息。

8.Since we presented this site to the pubpc in 1996, we have been pleased to be referenced as one of the best anti-spam sites on the net.自从1996年引见这个站点给大众后,我们很高兴这个网站已成为网络上最好的反垃圾邮件网点。

9.Keep in mind that no matter how much care you take to avoid the whiff of spam, there's a chance that some of your recipients will complain.请记住,无论你多么小心地在避免(你的电子邮件)带上垃圾邮件的味道,总是难免遭到少数收件人的抱怨。

10.When a message is received by an MTA, a distributed blackpst filter is called to determine whether the message is a known spam.当MTA收到一条消息时,会调用分布式黑名单过滤器来确定这条消息是否是已知的垃圾邮件。