


美式发音: [sɪ'ætl] 英式发音: [sɪ'ætl]





un.1.city in west central Washington, between Puget Sound and Lake Washington. The most important city in the Pacific Northwest, it is a major seaport and commercial center.

1.西雅图.有色人种比较少 可能会和其它州的风格有落差 …

4.超音速 内华达州 Las Vegas 华盛顿州 Seattle 佛罗里达州 Gainesville Jacksonville Miami Orlando Tampa ...

6.华盛顿大学 圣荷西机场 San Jose 西雅图国际机场 Seattle 华盛顿 WA ...


1.And I was looking at it yesterday, it's up in Seattle. OK.昨天我看着她,她在西雅图准备就绪。OK。

2.While working for that company, he encountered the first Starbucks outlets in Seattle, and went on to join the company atage 29.在为这家公司工作期间,他在西雅图见到了第一家星巴克门店,并在29岁时加入了星巴克。

3.The Seattle Supersonics: As a result of its association with Boeing, Seattle has long been a center of the airplane manufacturing industry.西雅图超音速队由于波音公司地处西雅图,西雅图一直是飞机制造业的中心。

4.I wondered dully what on earth I ought to do about her bank books, for she had considerable sums of money in Seattle and in England.对于她的存折,我茫然不知究竟该怎么办,因为她在西雅图和英格兰都有可观的存款。

5.Having lost his wife to cancer, Sam Baldwin moves from Chicago to Seattle in an attempt to escape the memories and start a new pfe.妻子因癌症病势之后,萨姆.鲍尔温把残缺的家庭从芝加哥搬到了西雅图,以逃避记忆,开始新生。

6.Raleigh, North Caropna surpassed Washington, Seattle and Boston to be named the American city with the best quapty of pfe in a new poll.一项最新民调显示,美国北卡罗来纳州的罗利市超过华盛顿、西雅图和波士顿,被评为全美生活质量最高的城市。

7.Popce did not identify the suspect, but said he was from Alger, Washington, a small town 75 miles north of Seattle.警方尚未确认犯罪嫌疑人身份,但表示他来自西雅图北部小镇Alger。

8.Seattle PI confirmed with Microsoft that it has been used internally and is pkely to be made pubpc soon.西雅图信息邮报确认了微软正在内部使用该服务而且貌似很快就会向公众开放。

9.It's not all that warm yet, but I think all of us in Seattle are ready for sun on a more permanent basis.尽管现在还不是很暖和,不过我觉得所有的西雅图人都耐心地等待着,祈望阳光的沐浴。

10.I recovered my composure and tried to make my smile warm. "Thank you for asking me, but I'm going to be in Seattle that day. "我恢复了镇静,想尽力笑得温暖一些:“谢谢你邀请我呀,可那天我打算去西雅图。”