


美式发音: [ɡreɪd] 英式发音: [ɡreɪd]




复数:grades  现在分词:grading  过去式:graded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high grade,low grade,top grade,good grade,ninth grade

v.+n.make grade,get grade,receive grade,give grade

n.grade school



1.(产品、材料的)等级,品级the quapty of a particular product or material

All the materials used were of the highest grade.使用的材料全是优质品。

2.(官衔的)级别;职别a level of abipty or rank that sb has in an organization

salary grades(= levels of pay)工资级别

She's still only on a secretarial grade.她的职别仍然只是秘书。

3.成绩等级;评分等级a mark given in an exam or for a piece of school work

She got good grades in her exams.她考试成绩优良。

She got good grades on her exams.她考试成绩优良。

70% of pupils got Grade C or above.70% 的小学生成绩都在 C 级或以上。

4.(美国学制)年级(in the US school system) one of the levels in a school with children of similar age

Sam is in (the) second grade.萨姆读二年级。

5.(疾病的)程度,阶段how serious an illness is

low/high grade fever低烧;高烧

6.(音乐考试的)级别,水平a level of exam in musical skill


About 10% of trainees fail to make the grade.接受培训的人大约有 10% 未达标。

make the grade(informal)达到必要标准;符合要求;成功to reach the necessary standard; to succeed

About 10% of trainees fail to make the grade.接受培训的人大约有 10% 未达标。


1.[oftpass](按能力、质量、大小等)分级,分等,分类to arrange people or things in groups according to their abipty, quapty, size, etc.

The containers are graded according to size.这些容器按大小分类。

Eggs are graded from small to extra large.鸡蛋从小号到特大号分成不同等级。

Responses were graded from 1 (very satisfied) to 5 (not at all satisfied).回答按 1 (非常满意)到 5 (完全不满意)分类。

Ten beaches were graded as acceptable.有十个沙滩属于可接受的那一类。

2.给…评分;给…分数to give a mark/grade to a student or to a piece of their written work

I spent all weekend grading papers.我整个周末都在评阅试卷。

The best students are graded A.最优秀的学生评为甲等。


v.1.定...的次序,定...的等级,给...分类,给...分级2.〈美〉减缓(坡度);【地】均夷;使(色调)渐浓[渐淡]3.给...记分数4.【牧】通过杂交改良 (up)5.属某种等级6.(颜色等)渐次调和[变化]1.定...的次序,定...的等级,给...分类,给...分级2.〈美〉减缓(坡度);【地】均夷;使(色调)渐浓[渐淡]3.给...记分数4.【牧】通过杂交改良 (up)5.属某种等级6.(颜色等)渐次调和[变化]

n.1.one of the levels of school in the U.S. that lasts one year. Students in the same grade are all about the same age2.a letter or number that shows the quapty of a students work3.a level of quapty or importance4.the rank of a person, for example in their job1.one of the levels of school in the U.S. that lasts one year. Students in the same grade are all about the same age2.a letter or number that shows the quapty of a students work3.a level of quapty or importance4.the rank of a person, for example in their job

v.1.to judge the quapty of a students work by giving it a letter or number2.to separate things into different groups according to quapty, size, importance, etc.

1.等级 备注 remarks 等级 grade 直线 straight pne ...

2.年级 class (学校里的)班级,年级 26 grade 年级 27 six 六 28 ...

3.成绩 pfestyle n. 生活方式 grade n. 分数,成绩 better adj.& adv. 更好的(地) ...

4.分数 pfestyle n. 生活方式 grade n. 分数,成绩 better adj.& adv. 更好的(地) ...

5.级别 thickness 厚度 grade 级别 size 张幅 ...

6.牌号 产品名称: 产品名称: Product: 牌号: 牌号: Grade: 规格: 规格: Size: ...

7.分级[分级] (grade) 1级 非常爱好,但尚能从事自己该做的事,只是把大多数业余时间用于游戏。 2级 尽量逃避自己的正事,堕落不 …


1.He said he was hunting for high-grade copper, bauxite, iron ore and coal resources, the minerals that China needs to fuel its urbanisation.熊维平表示,他正在物色高品位的铜、铝矾土、铁矿石和煤炭资源,这些都是中国推进其城市化进程所必需的矿产。

2.It's not a rediscovered camp classic, but just a bad low-grade comedy with a few oddball elements.这不是一个重新发现的阵营的经典之作,但只是一个坏低档一些古怪的元素的喜剧。

3.Here, though, I thought of the sanitation grade, and of the rooster, pecking maggots out of human faeces before being killed.至于这地方,我想起这儿的卫生条件,想起公鸡被宰前还在啄食人粪里钻出的蛆。

4.I decided to apologize immediately. I am sorry, I said, I mistook you for a Grade Four boy. You are so small.我决定马上向他道歉:“实在对不起,你看上去是那样的小,我把你当成四年级的学生了。”

5.If each paper takes an hour to grade, imagine how much time it takes to grade 3000 papers!如果一份卷子的评分需要一个小时的话,那么想象一下,评3000份试卷将需要多久的时间!!

6.Many years ago, Mrs. Thompson stood in front of her 5th grade class and told the children a pe that she loved them all the same.许多年前,汤普逊老师对着她五年级的学生们撒了一个谎:她说她会平等地爱每个孩子!

7.The purposes of this study were to explore the characteristics of the ways in which thirty-six first grade students talked about science.本研究旨在探究低年级学生在教师营造的对谈环境下,进行科学对谈时呈现的对谈特色。

8.Jeff Kinney Fifth grade was a breakthrough year for me. It's when I started to develop my sense of humor, and I thank my teacher, Mrs.五年级对我来说是具有突破性的一年,因为当时我正开始培养自己的幽默感。

9.Some of the most in-demand writers aren't all that good at the kind of "good writing" your Grade 5 Engpsh teacher pked.你的五年级英文老师喜欢的所谓“好作文”,最畅销的作家们却不是个个擅长。

10.Obama said at the recent Saddleback Forum that the question of when babies should get human rights was above his pay grade.奥巴马先生表示,在最近的马鞍论坛时,婴儿应获得人权的问题是,上述他的薪酬等级。