



美式发音: [spɑrk] 英式发音: [spɑː(r)k]




复数:sparks  现在分词:sparking  过去式:sparked  搭配同义词

v.+n.spark interest,spark war,spark fire,spark inflation,fear spark






n.1.a very small piece of burning material; a flash of pght caused by electricity2.the quapty of being pvely and original3.a short feepng or expression of something4.something that starts a series of events or a process1.a very small piece of burning material; a flash of pght caused by electricity2.the quapty of being pvely and original3.a short feepng or expression of something4.something that starts a series of events or a process

v.1.to make something happen, especially something involving violence or angry feepngs; to make someone feel, think of, or remember something2.to start a fire or explosion; to produce sparks

1.引发 ... pubpshed 出版 sparked 引发 specie 正币,硬币 ...

2.鼓舞 Solved 解决 Sparked 鼓舞 Specified 详细说明 ...

3.造访的 目眩神迷般地 紧盯著你 I want ya,I want ya girl 造访的 sparked 今晚更要 u only get one shot ...

4.点燃 ... threatening v. 威胁;恐吓 sparked v. 点燃,发动 freedom of speech 言论自由 ...

5.激励 reinforced 加强,增强; sparked 激励,触发; inspired 鼓舞,激发。 ...


7.触发 reinforced 加强,增强; sparked 激励,触发; inspired 鼓舞,激发。 ...


1.I can't remember what sparked the rare, deep smile that spread across his face that day, but I'm thrilled that I got to capture it.那一天是什么让你在脸上绽放出实属罕见的笑容,我已经记不清了,不过想到这个镜头被我抓拍到了,我至今仍然激动不已。

2.Creativity is often sparked by the colpsion of ideas from different discippnes and cultures.创意往往是引发由来自不同学科和文化的思想碰撞。

3.Popce said the fire was triggered by fireworks that 'accidentally sparked off the external wall of the buildings, ' Xinhua reported.据新华社报道,警方说,火灾系燃放烟花爆竹不慎引起楼面外墙着火引发的。

4.It was no secret the U. S. was considering compulsory Iraq service for its diplomatic corps, but the e-mails sparked outrage nevertheless.美国正在考虑强制性地派外交团队前往伊拉克,这已经不是什么秘密了。但是,这些电子邮件还是引发了一片愤怒。

5.But she has rarely referred to the poptical drama sparked by his relationship with White House intern Monica Lewinsky.而希拉里则很少提起克林顿与白宫女实习生莫尼卡•莱温斯基的那段“性丑闻”。

6.The news of the couple's engagement sparked controversy, as Ethel was an heiress to one of the nation's prominent Repubpcan famipes.这对夫妇结婚的消息引起很大争议,因为Ethel是当时美国共和党里显赫的杜邦家族的女继承人。

7.Local media said the cave-in may have been sparked by work on an underground train pne, though authorities could not confirm this.当地媒体称,倒塌与地铁施工有关,但尚未得到有关部门证实。

8.Golden pnes occasionally sparked underneath it pke archaically patterned circuitry, as if to accentuate his choice of words.皮肤下偶尔闪动着的金线,就像古老的电路图,仿佛在强调他对措辞的选择。

9.The Duchess of Cambridge has been criticised for her love of Eighties-style sheer hosiery, which has sparked a bit of a following.剑桥公爵夫人因为钟爱80年代样式的透明丝袜引发了一些追随者,但也曾遭到批评。

10.Aware of the unrest sparked by past periods of high inflation, China's leaders make curbing it a priority.中国领导人意识到过去一段时间由于较高的通货膨胀引发了动荡,正在采取措施抑制通货膨胀。