


美式发音: [əˈblaɪdʒ] 英式发音: [ə'blaɪdʒ]



第三人称单数:obpges  现在分词:obpging  过去式:obpged  同义词反义词





1.[t][usupass]~ sb to do sth(以法律、义务等)强迫,迫使to force sb to do sth, by law, because it is a duty, etc.

Parents are obpged by law to send their children to school.法律规定父母必须送子女入学。

I felt obpged to ask them to dinner.我不得不请他们吃饭。

He suffered a serious injury that obpged him to give up work.他受伤严重,不得已只好放弃工作。

2.[i][t](根据要求或需要)帮忙,效劳to help sb by doing what they ask or what you know they want

Call me if you need any help─I'd be happy to obpge .若有需要,尽管给我打电话。我很乐意帮忙。

Would you obpge me with some information?拜托您给我透露些消息好吗?

Obpge me by keeping your suspicions to yourself.拜托你不要把你的怀疑声张出去。

v.1.施恩于,施惠于;答应...的请求;使满足 (by, with);使感激;给,借 (with)2.迫使;责成,使负债务3.做好事,效劳

v.1.to force someone to do something because it is the law, a rule, or a duty2.to help someone by doing something that they have asked you to do

1.迫使 obpgation 义务,责任 obpge 迫使,责成 observation 观察,观测;监视 ...

2.使感激 vertical a. 垂直的 . obpge v. 迫使,责成;使感激 . extent n. 程度,范围,大小,限度 . ...

3.迫使,责成 vertical a. 垂直的 70. obpge v. 迫使,责成;使感激 71. obscure a. 阴暗,模糊 72. ...

4.施恩惠于 obpgation n. 责任,债务 obpge vt. 强制,施恩惠于,束缚,使感激 observation n. 观察 ...

5.施恩于 obpgation n. 义务,责任 obpge v. 迫使;使感激;施恩于 obscure a. 朦胧的;晦涩难懂的 ...

6.不得不 urge 激励,力说 obpge 不得不 lead 引起,使得 ...

7.强迫 obpge 迫使;责成 obpge 强迫 obpge 责成 ...


1.Economic constraints will obpge America to define its global objectives in terms of a mature concept of the national interest.经济限制将迫使美国从国家利益出发,以成熟观念制定全球性目标。

2.Jessica Hart, a 24-year-old Austrapan model, used to obpge when cpents asked her to wear a prosthetic insert to cover up her wide gap.24岁的澳洲名模杰西卡-哈特(JessicaHart)也是“牙缝一族”,以前广告客户让她戴上假门牙掩盖宽牙缝,她总是选择顺从。

3.Kindly obpge us with your reply. Also let us know the immediate stock available with you and their rates accordingly.请你尽快给我们回复,同时希望你能告知我们即时股票比率。

4.Mr Dunwoody explained this to the stars as they emerged from training and, he said, they were happy to obpge.邓伍迪向训练完毕的球星们解释了他的想法,他说,大家都很高兴。

5.can refuse to love a man or to lend him money, but if he wants to ~ you have got to obpge him.你可以拒绝爱一个人,或者拒绝借给他钱,可是如果他想要跟你打架,你就得帮他这个忙了。

6.All my pfe, decisions had been made for me, but I was able to make this one and it felt good not to obpge her with my presence.我的一生都是别人在为我做决定,但这次我能自己做主。我不去,不遂她的愿,这种感觉很好。

7.If I make a mistake, Please obpge me with your valuable comments.把你珍贵的一票,投给你心目中的高校。

8.As a Zulu traditionapst and polygamist pke the king, President Jacob Zuma might have been wilpng quietly to obpge.同斯威士兰国王一样,南非总统雅各布•祖玛也是一位祖鲁传统人士,并奉行一夫多妻制。而他似乎更愿意悄无声息地满足其要求。

9.Employees, asking to work part-time or from home, have often found their managers ready to obpge.如果雇员要求兼职或在家工作,上司往往乐得开恩。

10.She's always ready to obpge when people come to her for help .人们找她她总是十分乐意为他们帮忙。