


美式发音: ['beɪðə(r)] 英式发音: ['beɪðə(r)]



复数:bathers  同义词




1.[c](在海、河等中)游泳的人a person who is swimming in the sea, a river, etc.


n.1.somebody who is swimming

1.浴疗者 bassoon 低音管,巴松管 bather 入浴者,浴疗者 bawl 大叫,大喊 ...

2.游泳者 ) craze 风行一时的东西 ) bather 洗澡的人;游泳者 ) novice 新手;初学者 ...

3.入浴者 bassoon 低音管,巴松管 bather 入浴者,浴疗者 bawl 大叫,大喊 ...

4.洗浴 ) craze 风行一时的东西 ) bather 洗澡的人;游泳者 ) novice 新手;初学者 ...

6.沐浴者 作 者 : 米罗 Joan Miro 画 名 : 沐浴者 Bather 画 名 : 席屋拉纳的道路 Siurana,el camino ...

7.浴女 Celebration of the harvest 庆丰收 Bather 浴女 Gopferdammi 考富塔米 ...

8.洗浴者 ... 无尽之谜 The Endless Enigma 1938 洗浴者 Bather 1924 消失的影像 The Image Disappears 1…


1.In another study they found that subjects do not think of a frequent bather as a particularly lonely person.在另一项研究里,他们发现被试者认为一个经常洗澡的人不是一个异常寂寞的人。

2.The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bather about whether you are happy or not.痛苦的密密在于有闲工夫但心自己是幸福。

3.The painting, which features a distorted, curvy figure on a beach, is a real one: "La Baigneuse" (The Bather), which he painted in 1928.这幅描绘一个海滩上的扭曲线条形象的画作是真实的:“沐浴者”(LaBaigneuse)作于1928年。

4.However, Seurat reworked parts of it three years later, modifying details such as the bather's orange hat and areas of water.然而,3年之后修拉部分重画了这幅画,修改了诸如浴者的橙色帽子和部分水面等细节。

5.Caption : SERENE SCENE: A bather stood under a hot waterfall at a medicinal bathing complex in Greece Monday.描述:温泉关:周一,一名游泳者站在希腊一个温泉疗养地的温泉瀑布下。

6.A bath in which the bather is washed with a wet sponge or washcloth without being immersed.海绵擦身浴。洗浴者用一块湿海绵或擦洗布洗澡而不用进入水中。

7.Bather on the economic undermined his health pttle by pttle. He was forced to retire in advance.经济上的烦恼逐渐破坏他的健康,他被迫提前退休。

8.A white bather throws rocks.一个来游泳的白人向他们扔石头

9.A bath in which the water is sprayed on the bather in fine streams from a showerhead, usually secured overhead:从喷头出来的水以细流形式喷洒到浴者身上的一种淋浴方式,通常安装在头顶上:

10.Post ornament and processing of bather with new technology皮革后整饰新技术加工