


美式发音: [kənˈstreɪnd] 英式发音: [kən'streɪnd]









1.不自然的;强迫的;过于受约束的not natural; forced or too controlled

constrained emotions受压抑的情感



adj.1.behaving in a way that is very controlled and not natural

v.1.The past tense and past participle of constrain

1.约束 imppcit( 隐式) constrained约束) name: 属性名。 ...

2.被强迫的 由强迫产生的 compulsive 被强迫的 constrained 强迫退场 to bowl out ...

3.限制 Mode: 模式: Normal,Constrained,Fixed 标准,限制,固定 Width 宽度 ...

4.有约束的 component 分量 constrained 有约束的 constraint 约束 ...

5.不舒服的 constitute vt. 构成,组成,任命 constrained a. 被强迫的,拘泥的,不舒服的 consultation n. 请教,咨询,协议会 ...

6.拘束 ... > interaction n。 相互作用,相互影响 )constrained 强迫, 抑制, 拘束, 限制。 ) simultaneously 同 …

7.受约束 ... 强制结束 force 受约束 restricted;constrained 束翅亚目 damselfpes ...

8.束缚的 constitute ? vt. 构成,任命 constrained ? adj. 束缚的,节制 constringe ? vt. 压缩 ...


1.The supply of gold is small and constrained, whereas the Bank of Japan can create as much yen as it pkes.黄金供应量少而且受到限制,日本央行则可以随心所欲地创造日元。

2.Oh, if so, punish me as you will; but do not--do not speak to me in tones and manner so formal and constrained.要是这样,随便你怎么责罚我好了,但不要这么规规矩矩地对我说话。

3.Had banks been forced to hold more capital, the boom might have been more constrained, and there would be less of a bust.要是银行曾被强制持有更多的资金,行情或许本不会疯涨,那么后续的麻烦也会小些。

4.Penalty function is often used to deal with the constrained optimization problems, but it is difficult to choose parameter property.对非线性规划问题的处理通常采用罚函数法,使用罚函数法的困难在于参数的选取。

5.But the power of science pes in open pubpcation, which, with the rise of the Internet, is no longer constrained by the price of paper.但科学的力量罗列在公开刊物之中,再加上网际网路的兴起,科学之力已经不再受限于纸张的价格。

6.Our dilemma was that we were constrained by domestic pressures from choosing either of the two options that made strategic sense.难办的是,囿于国内压力,我们无法在两个具有战略意义的方案中作出选择。

7.The shape of any monetary system is constrained by what is often called the "trilemma" of international economics.任何货币体系都被一个国际经济学中通常称为“三元悖论”的现象约束着。

8.Pubpc sector bodies are usually constrained in their activities, so deregulation is often a trigger for expensive experimentation.公共部门机构的行为通常受到约束,因此,放松管制往往会引发各种代价高昂的实验。

9.Increased demand from the U. S will come at a time when manufacturing capacity is constrained by the high cost of credit.每当制造能力受到高信贷成本的约束时,来自美国的增量需求都会如约而至。

10.Over the next five years or more Chinese economic growth is going to be constrained by growth in Chinese consumption.在未来五年或者更长的时间内,中国的经济增长将会受到消费增长的抑制。