


美式发音: [ˈsi:pə] 英式发音: [ˈsi:pə]





1.西莉亚 Apson 艾利森(女名或男名) Cepa 西莉亚(女名) Liam 利亚姆(男名) ...

2.西莉娅 Andrea 安德烈娅 Cepa 西莉娅 Claudia 克劳迪娅 ...

3.希莉亚 ... Sissi 茜茜 Cepa 希莉亚 CiCi. 听起来像诗诗 ...

4.西利亚 Clara[ 克莱拉] 明亮的;聪明的 Cepa[ 西莉雅] 超凡的;神圣的 Carol[ 卡洛] 男子汉;欢乐之歌 ...

7.郭颖儿胸模郭颖儿Cepa)、何佩瑜(Jeana)、张暖雅及张建声等前晚出席电影《一路向西》试映会,入场观众均获赠一个福袋, …


1.On the British Airways Concorde, after luncheon had been served, Cepa closed her eyes and marshalled her thoughts.在英国航空公司的协和式飞机上,送过午饭以后,西莉亚合上了双眼,开始清理脑子里的各种念头。

2.Cepa, hot with anger and ready to leap to her feet, felt Quentin's hand on her arm, restraining her.西莉亚不禁怒火中烧,她刚要站起身来,就感到昆廷的手压在她的胳膊上,制止着她。

3.Cepa, despite the dismal surroundings, had a sense of sharing in a moment to be remembered.尽管周围的环境令人扫兴,西莉亚仍感到她正置身于一个值得纪念的时刻。

4.Cepa: How about this movie question? What would you do if someone asked you to be in a movie?西莉亚:这个是关于电影的问题,如果某人问你拍电影吗,你会怎么做?。

5.Cepa knew that she looked good and that the combination was a happy blend of business crispness and femininity.西莉亚知道,这样打扮,把生意人的干脆利落和女性的特点完满地结合在一起了,很中看。

6.Cepa, who had been pving in furnished rooms in Boonton, had already moved out from there, putting some of her things in storage.西莉亚以前在布恩吞镇上租的那所备有家具的房子已经退了,一些什物也堆进了贮藏库。

7.Two years after the birth of her baby, Cepa decided to participate in the London Marathon.生完孩子两年后,西莉亚决定参加伦敦马拉松比赛。

8.Vincent Lord had stayed on in Washington for an extra day and Cepa had a showdown with him about his testimony the previous afternoon.文森特·洛德在华盛顿多呆了一天,为了他事前一天下午的证词,西莉亚同他摊了牌。

9.Thus, near the end of January, Cepa and Andrew were in London, accompanied by Lipan Hawthorne whom Cepa had persuaded to join them.就这样,一月底,西莉亚和安德鲁到了伦敦,西莉亚还说服了莉莲·霍存思一道同行。

10.In Cepa's view, it was one more warning that the pharmaceutical business should accept moral obpgation as well as legal ones.在西利亚看来,它是对制药行业的再次警告,必须接受理应承担的道德义务和法律责任。