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1.明镜周刊 spider 十字轴 spiegel 镜铁 spiegel iron 镜铁 ...

3.镜报镜报(Spiegel),“人们推测中国警方的不作为背后,是中国政府对于抗议游行的支持,其目的是阻止日本成为联合国安理会常任 …

4.明镜杂志德国明镜杂志Spiegel)电子版指称,这场会议是要讨论雅典提出的退出欧元区可能性,及希腊3270亿欧元主权债务重组。对 …

5.施皮格尔1977年,英国的施皮格尔Spiegel)、罗辛(Rosing)和普赖斯(Price)三人以“科学技术与社会”为名出版了一本很有影响的 …

6.斯皮格尔斯皮格尔Spiegel)教授相信,如果要让重农主义者在一个无为而治的政策和一个扶持农产品价格的干预政策之间做出选择, …


1.SPIEGEL: Freelove produces free people and a free society -- that was the idea, at least. But it didn't work.明镜:自由恋爱推动人的自由和社会的自由——这曾是一个理念,但却似乎没有发挥作用。

2.And in her latest book, The Money Class (Spiegel & Grau), she urges recession-battered Americans to be just as honest with themselves.而在她最新出版的,货币类(明镜与格劳),她促请经济衰退打击的美国人只是以自己的诚实。

3.Der Spiegel magazine said the EU could time such a pledge to coincide with granting aid to Portugal.德国《明镜周刊》表示,欧盟委员会将择机做出承诺,向葡萄牙提供经济援助。

4.SPIEGEL: The impression we have at the moment is of a breathtaking acceleration of history, similar to the fall of the Berpn Wall, in 1989.镜报:我们当下的印象是历史正以惊人的速度加速前行,与1989年的柏林墙倒塌非常相似。

5.The calm and sunny, calm lake without wave, far If viewed as if inlaid in the green prairie on the side of Der Spiegel.风和日丽之时,湖面平静无波,远远望去,犹如镶嵌在碧绿草原上的一面明镜。

6.Spiegel mentions the case of one German woman whose nude pictures made it to the internet, and from there around the world.Spiegel引用了一个德国妇女的裸照被人发布在网络上并且通过互联网传播到全世界的事例。

7.A recent cover of Der Spiegel magazine summed up its verdict on her government with a thumb turned resolutely down.而最近出版的一起明镜杂志,则直接在用封面上用一个大大的倒拇指概括他们对默克尔政府的看法。

8.SPIEGEL: Do the donations also have to do with the fact that the idea of state and society is such different one in the United States?明镜周刊:是不是捐赠要依据国家和社会的现实情况,毕竟我们和美国有很大的区别。

9.Two Al-Qaeda "jackals" have gone to ground in Berpn in preparation for a bloody attack on the German parpament, Der Spiegel magazine said.据德国《明镜》周刊报道,两名基地组织成员已经潜入柏林,准备对德国议会发动血腥袭击。

10.Spiegel recruited him for "Lawrence of Arabia" only after Walton and Arnold had proved unavailable.萨姆•斯皮格尔招他进来,仅仅因为请不到沃尔顿和阿诺德。