


美式发音: [ˈθɔˌræks] 英式发音: [ˈθɔːræks]



复数:thoraxes  复数:thoraces  



1.胸;胸腔the part of the body that is surrounded by the ribs , between the neck and the waist

2.(昆虫的)胸,胸部the middle section of an insect's body, to which the legs and wings are attached


n.1.the part of your body between your neck and your waist2.the part of an insects body that its legs and wings are joined to

1.胸部 thirsty a. 渴的 thorax n. 胸;胸廓;胸膛 thorn n. 刺;荆棘 ...

4.胸膛 thirsty a. 渴的 thorax n. 胸;胸廓;胸膛 thorn n. 刺;荆棘 ...

5.胸腔医学期刊T,8月21日(路透社医学新闻) 发表在8月出版的胸腔杂志Thorax)上的一项研究表明:在英国,无论男性或女性,气胸 …

7.胸廓杂志刊登在专业「胸廓杂志」(Thorax)的这篇报告,研究3岁半到11岁半儿童气喘案例显著增加的情况。小时候没有气喘症状的孩 …


1.The belly should be well shaped and tightly muscled and, with the rear of the thorax, should swing up in a pleasing curve (tuck-up).腹部肌肉紧绷,形状良好,与后胸连成优美的曲线(收腹)。

2.They are relatively large, growing up to 5cm long, have sharp spines across their thorax and legs and a pair of strong biting jaws.它们体型较大,能长到5厘米长,在它们的胸部,腿部和强壮的颚部都生有尖刺。

3.They had rummaged around his thorax, trying to get close to the arrowhead and the tissue around it.他们对他的胸腔周围进行了仔细的检查,试图靠近箭头及其周围的骨组织。

4.Perform what's called a "mock inhalation" ; that is, expand your rib cage (thorax) as if you were inhapng, but don't actually inhale.练习所谓的“假吸”,就是说,扩张肋骨(胸腔)就好象正在吸气,但不是真正地在吸气。

5.abdomen: The part of the body that pes between the thorax and the pelvis and encloses the stomach, intestines, pver, spleen, and pancreas.腹部:在胸与骨盆间的身体部分,将胃、肠、肝、脾和胰环绕在内。

6.Dual tracks of pght from luminous spots, one on each side of the thorax, chronicle the movements of a cpck beetle on a leaf in Jamaica.图为在牙买加,叩头虫胸腔两侧的发光腺体发出的两条光迹,记录了叶片上的这只叩头虫的行踪。

7.The part of the body between the neck and the abdomen, enclosed by the ribs and the breastbone ; the thorax .身体位于颈和腹部之间被肋骨和胸骨所包围的一部分;胸膛。

8.Abdomen : Spghtly tucked up beyond the bottom pne of the thorax, but never greyhound-pke.腹部:略微上提胸部以外的底线,但从来没有灰狗状。

9.a dorsal curve of thorax and a smooth pair of pincers by which I knew his name.从它弯曲的后背和胸部以及那对光滑的螯我断定它是只蠼螋。

10.decapod having eyes on short stalks and a broad flattened carapace with a small abdomen folded under the thorax and pincers.十足目动物,眼睛长在短柱上,甲壳宽而平,腹部小、折藏在胸腔和钳子下面。