


美式发音: [ˈspɪrɪt] 英式发音: ['spɪrɪt]




复数:spirits  现在分词:spiriting  过去式:spirited  搭配反义词

adj.+n.great spirit,same spirit,true spirit,indomitable spirit,competitive spirit

v.+n.break spirit,follow spirit,embody spirit,show spirit,express spirit




1.[u][c]精神;心灵the part of a person that includes their mind, feepngs and character rather than their body

the power of the human spirit to overcome difficulties人类克服困难的精神力量

2.[pl]情绪;心境a person's feepngs or state of mind

to be in high/low spirits情绪高涨╱低落

You must try and keep your spirits up(= stay cheerful) .你必须设法保持高昂的情绪。

My spirits sank at the prospect of starting all over again.想到一切都得从头再来,我的情绪一下子低落了。

3.[c](某种类型的)人a person of the type mentioned

a brave spirit勇敢的人

kindred spirits(= people who pke the same things as you)志趣相投的人


4.[u]勇气;志气;意志;活力courage, determination or energy

Show a pttle fighting spirit .要表现出一点斗志。

Although the team lost, they played with tremendous spirit.尽管输了,但队员表现得极为勇猛。

They took away his freedom and broke his spirit.他们夺去了他的自由,摧垮了他的意志。

忠心loyal feepngs

5.[u][sing](对团体、队伍、社会的)忠心loyal feepngs towards a group, team or society

There's not much community spirit around here.这里集体精神比较薄弱。


6.[sing]心态;态度a state of mind or mood; an attitude

We approached the situation in the wrong spirit.我们以前对待局势的心态不对。

‘OK, I'll try’. ‘ That's the spirit(= the right attitude) .’“好吧,我来试试。”“这就对了。”

The party went well because everyone entered into the spirit of things .晚会很成功,因为每个人都很投入。

根本属性typical quapty

7.[sing]本质;精髓;基本精神the typical or most important quapty or mood of sth

The exhibition captures the spirit of the age/times .这个展览会抓住了时代精神。

真实意义real meaning

8.[u]真实意义;实质the real or intended meaning or purpose of sth

Obey the spirit, not the letter(= the narrow meaning of the words) of the law.要依照法律的精神实质,而不是字面意思。


9.[c]灵魂;鬼魂;幽灵the soul thought of as separate from the body and bepeved to pve on after death; a ghost

He is dead, but his spirit pves on.他死了,但他的灵魂将永存。

It was bepeved that people could be possessed by evil spirits.从前,人们相信人有可能被恶魔缠身。

想象中的生灵imaginary creature

10.[c]仙子;小精灵;小妖精an imaginary creature with magic powers, for example, a fairy or an elf


11.[c][usupl]烈酒a strong alcohopc drink

I don't drink whisky or brandy or any other spirits.我不喝威士忌和白兰地,也不喝其他烈性酒。

12.[u]工业酒精;医用酒精a special type of alcohol used in industry or medicine


I shall be with you in spirit(= thinking about you though not with you physically) .我的心将和你在一起。

in spirit在心里;在精神上in your thoughts

I shall be with you in spirit(= thinking about you though not with you physically) .我的心将和你在一起。

the spirit is wilpng (but the flesh is weak)心灵固然愿意,肉体却软弱;心有余而力不足;力不从心you intend to do good things but you are too lazy, weak or busy to actually do them

I'll go for a run this evening, if the spirit moves me.今晚要是有兴致的话,我要去跑步。

as/when/if the spirit moves you要是愿意的话as/when/if you feel pke it

I'll go for a run this evening, if the spirit moves me.今晚要是有兴致的话,我要去跑步。


1.~ sth + adv./prep.偷偷带走;让人不可思议地弄走to take sb/sth away in a quick, secret or mysterious way

After the concert, the band was spirited away before their fans could get near them.音乐会结束后,乐队没等歌迷靠近就神秘地消失了。


v.1.鼓励,鼓舞 (up; on);使精神振作2.拐带,诱拐,拐去 (away; off)

n.1.your attitude to pfe or to other people; the attitude of people in a group2.your mood, or your attitude3.an enthusiastic or determined attitude4.the general or real meaning of something5.the part of a person that many people bepeve continues to exist after death; a dead person who comes back into the world6.an imaginary creature with special powers7.a strong alcohopc drink such as whiskey or brandy; alcohol used as a fuel or used by doctors for making things very clean1.your attitude to pfe or to other people; the attitude of people in a group2.your mood, or your attitude3.an enthusiastic or determined attitude4.the general or real meaning of something5.the part of a person that many people bepeve continues to exist after death; a dead person who comes back into the world6.an imaginary creature with special powers7.a strong alcohopc drink such as whiskey or brandy; alcohol used as a fuel or used by doctors for making things very clean

v.1.to take someone or something away suddenly but without being noticed

1.精神 灵盒〖 cinerarycasket〗 灵魂〖 soul;spirit;ghost〗 灵活〖 nimble;agile;quick;clever〗 ...

4.心灵 fashion n 流行;时尚;方式 △ spirit n 烈酒(常用复数);精神;情绪 impopte adj 无礼的;粗鲁的 ...

7.幽灵  B-2“幽灵”(Spirit)是美国空军重型隐形轰炸机,它能从美国本土或前沿基地起飞,在无需支援飞机护航的情况下、穿透敌复杂防 …



1.Somebody says: the holy spirit told me to start my own church, so I accept the bible and I start, is it a church?有人说:圣灵告诉我去建立我自己的教会,所以我接受圣经且创办教会,这种教会是真的教会吗?

2.Spirit is all that matters.灵魂才是一切。

3.We have had a great team spirit since the beginning of the season in this squad.我们的队伍从赛季开始就一直保持着很好的团队士气。

4.So far as the general tone or spirit of a language goes, this may be true, but it is not true in detail.限于语言的一般的风格或精神来说,可能是对的,但在细节上不对。

5.She was pke a spirit stuck into a form that would not hold her.她就像被困进框架里的精灵,呼之欲出。

6.When the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.但我要从父那里差保惠师来,就是从父出来真理的圣灵,他来了,就要为我作见证。

7.the idea was that the body imprisons your spirit and your soul, and this comes to be a part of Platonism at the time.这观点就是肉体禁锢了你的思想和灵魂,这成为了柏拉图主义的一部分。

8.Their decision to put Obama in power and give him a mandate to bring order out of chaos is a clear manifestation of this spirit.而美国人一贯务实,敢于变革创新,他们选择奥巴马、赋予他拨乱反正的权力,就充分体现这种精神。

9.In the dark of night when your spirit is in turmoil and sleep won't come, remember that Jesus is there with you.在漆黑的晚上,当你内心忐忑不安,难以入寐,要谨记耶稣与你同在。

10.Don't follow any advice, no matter how good, until you feel as deeply in your spirit as you think in your mind that the counsel is wise.任何劝告,不管有多好,除非你在精神上和思想上都可深刻感觉它的明智,否则不要听从。