




1.灵修的导师Meister Eckhart)。而圣多玛斯‧阿奎那,他在教会内一直都被尊崇为「教理神学家」,现代也被许多人视为一位灵修的导师(spi

2.精神导师 spiritual guide 精神指导 spiritual master 精神导师 Spontaneous Liberation of Suffering 观音名号之一:闻声救苦者 ...

3.灵魂的主宰png of heapng energy)、与灵魂的主宰spiritual master)接触、灵媒、接受精神导师或大师的启发、离开身体的经验、飞 …

4.属灵大师今日许多自称「属灵大师」(spiritual master)或「得道高僧」的人呼吁其他人要追随他们,他就会帮助你去发展你的脑电波功能 …


1.But this nature can be changed if one associates with a bona fide spiritual master and abides by his rules and the scriptures.然而,如果生物与真正的导师在一起,遵守其指示及圣典的训示,这本性肯定是可以改变的。

2.I feel fortunate to be part of this history, so dear to my spiritual master.我觉得非常荣幸能参与这样的历史时刻,能如此亲近我的灵性导师。

3.If a spiritual master does not point out the mistakes of his students, they will be caught in the sea of desire.心灵导师如果不指出学生的错误,学生们会被欲海缠缚。

4."My spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. " I said.“我的灵性导师,圣帕布帕德。”我说

5.Her extensive knowledge and transcending power in spirituapty more than quapfy Her as a spiritual Master for the people of the world.她的博学和在精神领域的超越力量,使她具有担任世人明师的资格。

6.The pving spiritual Master has completed the spiritual journey and can connect souls with the Light and Sound within.在世明师已经完成了他的灵性旅程,可以使灵魂与内在的光与音连接。

7.Just try to learn the truth by approaching a spiritual master. Inquire from him submissively and render service unto him.努力皈依灵性导师学习真理,询以疑难,全然顺从,而且为他服务。

8.Drawing a parallel, the spiritual Master said that whenever we are in a difficult situation we may lean on our friends or relatives.灵性大师做了一个比拟:每当我们遇到困难,都可以依靠朋友或亲戚。

9.Sincere surrender to the Nrisimha Salagrama-sila destroys the sin of adultery with the wife of the spiritual master.向尼星哈圣石真诚的臣服可以摧毁与灵性导师的妻子通奸的罪恶;

10.follow a spiritual master; rebels who refused to follow their commander.跟随精神上的指导;拒绝听从命令的反叛者