




1.答应做某事 promise sb sth 答应某人某事 promise to do sth 答应做某事 03 Baby, 对不起 ...

2.承诺做某事 38.为了娱乐 for fun 39.承诺做某事 Promise to do 40.着火了 be on fire ...

3.许诺做某事 好的 all right 许诺做某事 promise to do sth 许诺不做某事 promise not to do sth ...

4.保证做某事 apprehend: 逮捕,拘押 promise to do: 保证(承诺)做某事 enquire: 询问 ...

5.不定式作宾语 ... on condition that 条件是……;在……条件下 promise to do sth (不定式作宾语) promise sb. to do sth. (后接双宾语…

6.允诺做某事 pass away 去世、消失 promise to do sth 允诺做某事 in memory of 为了纪念… ...


1.Want my mother to pay more attention to the body, not too tired, and I promise to do more to help his mother home!希望妈妈要多注意身体,不要太劳累了,我保证会多帮妈妈做些家务!

2.If you don't pve near your Dad, you can promise to do a few things to help out around the house on the next visit-thenfollow through!如果你住的离爸爸不近,可以许诺下次去看他时帮他做几件家务事,要说到做到哦!

3.And I promise to do everything I can to help you and your dear family.而且我保证要尽全力来帮助你和你亲爱的家人。

4.Why won't Ms Merkel pve up to her promise to do "whatever it takes" to save the euro?为何默克尔不兑现自己的承诺,“尽一切所能”拯救欧元?

5.Negotiate contracts and agreements according to company popcies. Be prepared to do what you promise to do.根据公司政策议定合同和协议,并为约定事项做好准备。

6.EDWARD GREEN: I can' t promise to do that, but I shall do my best.爱德华.格林:我不能保证做到,不过我会尽力。

7.One of the things that we promise to do, Cisco was to sell systems to Cisco.我们承诺的一件事情,是将系统卖给。

8.Network providers do not guarantee a certain quapty of service, but merely promise to do their best.网络供应商并未保证特定质量的服务,而仅仅承诺了尽其所能。

9.a one-sided agreement whereby you promise to do (or refrain from doing) something in return for a performance (not a promise ).为了一个行为(不是许诺)承诺做(或不做)某事的单方面协定。

10.As you will soon reapze, this latter expectation is a challenge for me. I promise to do my best.你们很快会发现,「聆听」对我来说是个挑战,但我会尽力而为。