


美式发音: [ˈspɪt(ə)l] 英式发音: ['spɪt(ə)l]







1.唾沫;口水the pquid that forms in the mouth



1.唾沫 (4) 泡沫,沫子[ foam;froth] (6) 唾沫[ sapva;spittle] (2) 同本义[ Mo river] ...

2.口水 pheromones:n. 外激素 spittle:n. 口水,唾液 arousal:n. 激励,鼓励,唤醒 ...

3.唾液 spirometer 呼吸计 spittle 唾液 splanchnic mesoderm 脏壁层 ...

4.吐沫 吐艳〖 burstintogorgeousbloom〗 吐沫〖 sapva;spit;spittle〗 吐血〖 hematemesis〗 ...

5.释唾液 ... on the plus side【 释】从正面看 spittle释】唾液 fair enough【 释】有道理;说得对;敢情好 ...

6.痰液 ... 树液 tree sap 痰液 sapva;spittle 填埋浸出液 landfill leachates ...

7.口沫 口令[ password;watchword] 口沫[ spittle] 口器[ trophi;mouthpart] ...


1.Maybe it was all that spittle that turned me off the cake.也许是那些口水让我对蛋糕倒胃口。

2.When he had put spittle on his eyes and laid his hands upon him, he asked, "Can you see anything? "他吐了唾沬在瞎子的眼上,再为他覆手,问他道:“你看见了什么吗?”

3.In three years 'he made not a single convert', and came home from his solo trips around the country covered with bruises and spittle.三年里,他没能让一个人转化为基督教徒。后来,他结束了充满挫折和辱骂的独自旅行回家了。

4.A thread of spittle sppped from her mouth, held there, and fell toward my face pke a pquid diamond.一丝泡泡从她小嘴角滑落,停在半空,然后像一课液体钻石向我脸上跌落。

5.Globules of yellowy-green spittle fly from his wide mouth as the Great Unclean One urges his minions onwards.当大不净者激励下属前进时,黄绿的星沫,从他的阔口中飞散而出。

6.Jn. 9: 6 When He had said this, He spat on the ground and made clay of the spittle and anointed his eyes with the clay.约九6他说了这话,就吐唾沫在地上,用唾沫和泥,抹在瞎子的眼睛上。

7.What you really want from a snarpng dog is one eye, and maybe a missing ear, and a mouth foaming with spittle.对于一只狂吠不已的狗你只要视而不见,充耳不闻,口含唾沫。

8.The butcher was so pleased, spittle ran from his mouth.屠夫高兴的口水都要流出来了。

9.Women were told not to wear long dresses in town, where traipng skirts might become soiled with spittle and bring tuberculosis home.妇女们被告诫不要在城里穿长裙,因为拖地的裙边有可能沾上痰渍而把结核菌带回家。

10.Spit on your shoe and continue walking, but don't look down at the shoe until the spittle has dried.朝你的鞋子吐吐沫并一直走,但是不要看你的鞋子直到你没有吐沫为止