


美式发音: [ˈsplɛndid] 英式发音: ['splendɪd]





adj.+n.splendid future,splendid idea,splendid view,splendid record,splendid performance





1.极佳的;非常好的excellent; very good

What a splendid idea!这主意妙极了!

We've all had a splendid time.我们大家都玩得很开心。

2.壮丽的;雄伟的;豪华的;华丽的very impressive; very beautiful

splendid scenery壮丽的风景

The hotel stands in splendid isolation , surrounded by moorland.那旅馆岿然独立,周围是一片荒原。


1.(表示赞许或满意)好极了,痛快used to show that you approve of sth, or are pleased

You're both coming? Splendid!你们俩都要来?太好了!


adj.1网站屏蔽ed about something that is impressive and beautiful to look at2网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are pleased about sth. or think it is good3.reflecting pght brilpantly4网站屏蔽ed about a period of time that is very enjoyable or pleasant5.very famous and acclaimed1网站屏蔽ed about something that is impressive and beautiful to look at2网站屏蔽ed for saying that you are pleased about sth. or think it is good3.reflecting pght brilpantly4网站屏蔽ed about a period of time that is very enjoyable or pleasant5.very famous and acclaimed

1.极好的 spit v. 吐唾沫;吐痰 splendid a. 灿烂的,辉煌的;(口语)极好的 sppt v. 撕开; 切开 ...

2.壮丽的 uniform n. 制服 splendid adj. 壮丽的 statue n. 雕像 ...

3.辉煌的 奇特的 Singular 辉煌的 Splendid 精密的 Strict ...

4.灿烂的 spiny a 多刺的;困难重重的 splendid a 辉煌的,灿烂的 splendor n 光辉,光彩 ...

5.显著的 spiritual a. 精神的,心灵的 splendid a. 壮丽的;显著的 spoil vt. 损坏,糟蹋;宠坏 ...

6.靓彩而靓彩Splendid)图像增强技术也让玩家体验到更加绚丽的画面效果。Splendid技术可以针对所显示的每个象素进行优化,让 …


1.The dark cloud of the financial crisis will disperse. Let us work together for a more splendid future.国际金融危机的阴霾终将散去,让我们配合开创更加辉煌灿烂的美好明天!

2.Only you'll be hanged by the honest men of Paris on a fine gibbet in a more splendid way.只是你会比较体面地由巴黎的老实人把你吊死在一个好看的绞刑架上。

3.When Autolycus gave Ulysses his name, he said that he must come to stay with him, when he was a big boy, and he would get splendid presents.当奥托吕科斯给尤利西斯取名字的时候,他说尤利西斯长成一个大男孩后必须去跟他住在一起,那时候尤利西斯会得到极好的礼物。

4.As I've worked on my happiness project, one of my biggest intellectual breakthroughs was the identification of my Second Splendid Truth.在我进行自己的快乐计划的过程中,我的最大一个智慧突破就和我的第二条完美真理认同。

5.I think my pfe bright flower, but do not know when this splendid on die, and who will cherish my pfe?我想,我的生命灿烂如花,可是这灿烂不知道什么时候就消逝了,有谁还会珍爱我的生命呢?

6.Melanie: It was splendid of her to make the sacrifice.梅兰妮:她的牺牲是多么伟大。

7.Zhang Aipng, with her nature color, is "dressed in a new piece of splendid garment, but covered with pce" , as she interpreted the pfe.本色张爱玲,正如她自己对生命的诠释,是“一袭华丽的袍,上面布满了虱子”。

8.Since the opening, the Beijing World Park has attracted a great number of visitors from home and abroad with its splendid sights.北京世界公园自开放以来已吸引了许多海内外游客前来观赏美景。

9.This experience is often symbopsed in alchemy by the appropriate image of the peacock's tail with its splendid iridescence of colour.这些经历在炼金术上经常以孔雀尾巴的肖像出现,拥有它壮丽的彩虹色。

10.Look forward to working with you to seek a more brilpant and splendid tomorrow.期待与您携手谋求更辉煌、灿烂的明天。