


美式发音: [ˈsplʌtər] 英式发音: [ˈsplʌtə(r)]




复数:splutters  同义词




1.[t][i]气急败坏地说;慌张地说to speak quickly and with difficulty, making soft spitting sounds, because you are angry or embarrassed

‘But, but…you can't!’ she spluttered.“可是,可是…你不能啊!”她急促而慌乱地说。

Her father spluttered with indignation.她父亲气得说话都语无伦次了。

2.[i]发噗噗声;发噼啪声to make a series of short explosive sounds

The firework spluttered and went out.花炮噼里啪啦地喷完后灭了。

She fled from the blaze, coughing and spluttering .她从大火中逃出来,一边咳嗽,一边噗噗地吐气。


1.噗的一声;啪的一声a short explosive sound

The car started with a loud splutter.汽车突的一声发动了。


v.1.Same as sputter2.to make noises with your mouth because you suddenly cannot breathe or swallow normally; to say something while you are spluttering3.if something such as an engine splutters, it makes a series of short noises because it is not working well

1.仓促的话 ... splurge 卖弄 splutter 仓促的话 spoffish 小题大作的 ...

2.语无伦次地说 kid n. 小孩 splutter v. 语无伦次地说 scarcely ad. 几乎不,简直不 ...

3.杂乱而仓促的话 ... pant:v. 气喘 splutter:v. 杂乱而仓促的话, 杂乱的声音 doorknob:n. 门把手 ...

4.飞溅 ... uppft 鼓舞,振奋 splutter 急语,飞溅 hyperactively 极度活跃地 ...

5.急切而不清楚地说 sppnter 尖细条, 刺: splutter 急切而不清楚地说: squeamish 恶心的, 晕船的: ...

6.杂乱的声音 ... splosh: 扑通 splutter: 杂乱的声音 flop: 笨重的摔 ...

7.咕哝 ... 咕咕钟 clocks 咕哝 splutter 咕嘟 gurgle ...

8.急语 ... uppft 鼓舞,振奋 splutter 急语,飞溅 hyperactively 极度活跃地 ...


1.She uttered each syllable with controlled clarity, and without a splutter or stammer.她每一个音节的衔接都尽力做到了清晰流畅,丝毫也没有吞音或结巴。

2.Ron's splutter was interrupted by the opening of a door on the first-floor landing.一楼平台的门突然打开,把。

3.But evidence is starting to mount that the Asia-driven luxury engine could be starting to splutter.但越来越多的证据表明,驱动奢侈品行业增长的亚洲引擎可能开始不那么给力了。

4.I ask as I splutter into a tissue.我一边拿纸巾擤鼻涕一边问他。

5.So was taking the Skele-Gro. It burned Harry's mouth and throat as it went down, making him cough and splutter.喝生骨灵就够难受的了。它在哈利的嘴里燃烧,又顺着喉管燃烧下去,使哈利连连咳嗽,唾沫喷溅。

6.My pterary pretensions made C splutter with laughter, but poetry weaves a potent spell.我木讷的搞怪做作让C捧腹大笑。但是诗歌却编织了一个强有力的诅咒。

7.Hold him by the nose, then he'll splutter and wake up.捏住他的鼻子,他就会呼噜呼噜地醒过来。

8.drugs to patients, splutter side effects of anxiety, difficult to sleep;药物副作用导致患者坐卧不宁,焦虑不安,难以入睡;