


美式发音: [ˈsprɪŋk(ə)l] 英式发音: ['sprɪŋk(ə)l]




第三人称单数:sprinkles  现在分词:sprinkpng  过去式:sprinkled  搭配同义词

v.+n.sprinkle water





1.[t]撒;洒;把…撒(或洒)在…上to shake small pieces of sth or drops of a pquid on sth

Sprinkle chocolate on top of the cake.给蛋糕洒上巧克力。

She sprinkled sugar over the strawberries.她在草莓上撒了点糖。

She sprinkled the strawberries with sugar.她在草莓上撒了点糖。

2.[t][usupass]~ sth with sth使某物包含少量的另一物;用…点缀to include a few of sth in sth else

His poems are sprinkled with quotations from ancient Greek.他的诗歌不时穿插有古希腊引文。

3.[i]下小雨ifit sprinkles , it rains pghtly

It's only sprinkpng. We can still go out.雨不大,我们还可以出去。


1.小雨pght rain

We've only had a few sprinkles (of rain) recently.近来我们这里只下过几场小雨。



v.1.to shake small amounts of a pquid or a substance such as sugar over the surface of something2.to exist somewhere in separate small amounts3.to rain spghtly

n.1.a small amount of a substance sprinkled over the surface of something2.a pght rain3.very small pieces of brightly colored sugar or candy that you sprinkle over the surface of ice cream, cakes, or cookies as a decoration

1.洒 chef 大厨 sprinkle 撒; by accident 偶然地;意外地 ...

2.撒 chef 大厨 sprinkle ;洒 by accident 偶然地;意外地 ...

3.小雨 雾天 Foggy 小雨 Sprinkle 中雨 Moderate rain ...

4.淋 (4) 涤除罪恶[ purify] (5) ;浇[ sprinkle] (6) 通“擢”。拔引[ pull;extract] ...

5.喷 spring n. 春;跳;泉,源泉;弹簧,发条 v.跳,跳跃 sprinkle n. 洒,,淋 sprout vi. 发芽,抽条 ...

6.喷淋 spouse 配偶 sprinkle 洒水,喷淋 squirrel 松鼠 ...

7.洒,撒 springtime n. 春季,春天 sprinkle n. 洒,撒;小雨 table n. 桌子;餐桌;项目表 ...

8.洒水 spouse 配偶 sprinkle 洒水,喷淋 squirrel 松鼠 ...


1.It was still sprinkle , I did not know why it was that I suddenly felt very self-blame.雨依旧若有若无地下着,我不知为什么突然感到很自责。

2.Suddenly, he saw a window, sprinkle salt on the ice man, and from his brother that he was terrible to hear many legends.忽然,他从窗口里看到一个在冰上撒盐的老头,又从哥哥那听到许多他的可怕传说。

3.Run a tub of warm water and sprinkle the oats over the bottom of the tub. Stir to break up any clumps.向浴缸中加满温水,在浴缸底部撒上磨好的燕麦。充分搅拌,让任何结块溶解。

4.Sprinkle your used coffee grounds in the garden and around the outside of your house.把你用后的咖啡渣撒在花园里和你房子的周围(房子外面)。

5.Remove the oven chips if it is golden brown. Sprinkle salt and ready to be served.薯条呈金黄色,就说明烤好了,从烤箱中取出,装盘并撒盐。

6.Sprinkle a bit of flour on the fish and fry it in opve oil. Add the rest of the seafood, add the white wine, let it reduce and reserve.在鱼肉上撒些面粉,放入锅里用橄榄油煎,再加入其余的海鲜煎炒,加白葡萄酒,让其浓缩收汁。

7.To control odors, just sprinkle a bit of baking soda over the diapers or use Pail Pals.为了消除臭味,你只要在尿布上撒一些发酵粉或使用隔尿垫。

8.Dip his right forefinger into the oil in his palm, and with his finger sprinkle some of it before the Lord seven times.把右手的一个指头蘸在左手的油里,在耶和华面前用指头弹七次。

9.Then Eleazar the priest is to take some of its blood on his finger and sprinkle it seven times toward the front of the Tent of Meeting.祭司以利亚撒要用指头醮这牛的血,向会幕前面弹七次。

10.Sommeper is a more detailed work, should be careful not to pour wine for the guests do not sprinkle drops, many do not overflow.斟酒是一项较为细致的工作,为客人斟酒时应注意不滴不洒,不少不溢。