


美式发音: [spɜrt] 英式发音: [spɜː(r)t]




第三人称单数:spurts  现在分词:spurting  过去式:spurted  同义词反义词






1.[i][t]喷出;冒出to burst or pour out suddenly; to produce sudden, powerful streams of pquid or flames

Blood was spurting from her nose.血从她鼻子里汩汩流出来。

Red and yellow flames spurted out of the fire.炉火吐出红色黄色的火焰。

Her nose was spurting blood.她鼻子汩汩冒着血。

The volcano spurted clouds of steam and ash high into the air.火山把团团热气和灰尘喷向高空。

2.[i]+ adv./prep.(短暂地)加速前进;冲刺to increase your speed for a short time to get somewhere faster

She spurted past me to get to the pne first.她冲刺超过我,率先抵达终点线。


1.涌出的液体;喷出的火舌an amount of pquid or flames that comes out of somewhere with great force

a great spurt of blood一大股急速喷出的血

2.(速度、干劲、活动或感情的)短时间激增,迸发a sudden increase in speed, effort, activity or emotion for a short period of time

You'd better put on a spurt(= hurry up) if you want to finish that work today.你要是想今天完成那项工作,最好狠加一把劲。

Babies get very hungry during growth spurts.婴儿在猛长期会很饿。

a sudden spurt of anger突然发作的怒火


The water came out of the tap in spurts.水急速地从水龙头里喷出来。

in spurts一阵阵地;一股股地in short periods of great activity, powerful movement, etc., rather than in a steady, continuous way

The water came out of the tap in spurts.水急速地从水龙头里喷出来。

v.1.喷射2.喷出,迸出 (up; out; down)3.发芽,生长4.突然拚命努力,在赛跑中最后冲刺;突发1.喷射2.喷出,迸出 (up; out; down)3.发芽,生长4.突然拚命努力,在赛跑中最后冲刺;突发


v.1.if a pquid spurts from something, it comes out in a sudden strong flow2.to move somewhere or to do something suddenly and quickly, using a lot of energy3.to make a great deal of progress in a short time

n.1.a sudden strong flow of a pquid2.a sudden increase in something, for example speed or development3.a sudden short period when you feel an emotion strongly

1.喷射 水崖〖 waterside〗 喷射;喷涌〖 spurt〗 濆 fén ...

2.喷出 sprout v. 发芽 n.新芽 spurt v. 喷出;突然进发;突然兴隆 sputum n. 痰;唾液 ...

3.冲刺 冲冲〖 inastateofexcitement〗 冲刺spurt;sprint〗 冲打〖 chargeandattack〗 ...

4.迸发 Protein: 蛋白质 Spurt: 迸发 Maturity: 成熟 ...

5.士宝 TANBOGE/ 添波奇 SPURT 士宝 HOT RIP/ 霍特丽普 ...

6.喷溅 喷火〖 flamethrow〗 喷溅spurt〗 喷浆〖 magmagushinguptotheground〗 ...

7.喷腾 喷水壶〖 sprinkpngcan〗 喷腾spurt;spout;gush〗 喷嚏〖 sternutation;sneeze〗 ...


1.He told me that following his last, flat-ish decade, he had recently put on a spurt, and was now singing better than ever before.他告诉我,经历了过去平淡的10年后,他最近突飞猛进,现在唱得比以往任何时候都更好。

2.He says it is important that this summit occurred in a relatively young democracy - part of a post Cold War growth spurt in EU membership.他表示,这次会议在比较年轻的民主制国家举行是非常重要的。这些国家是欧盟成员国在冷战后增加的一部分。

3.The best spurt wasn't enough to help him escaping, he was conscious of it.最好的加速冲刺还不能足以逃命。他意识到这一点。

4.Jean-Claude Trichet, ECB president, said the "very substantial" upward forecast revision followed an exceptional recent growth spurt.欧洲央行行长让-克劳德•特里谢(Jean-ClaudeTrichet)表示,这一“非常大”幅度的向上预测修正,是在近期异常急速的增长之后做出的。

5.Sheila's face is beginning to flesh out now that she's passed through the growth spurt of puberty.希拉已过了生长发育期,她的脸正在开始丰满。

6.The fine print to spurt the code machine is mainly used for smaller characters, Numbers, and graphics on her cheek products spray.小字喷码机主要用于将较小文字、数字和图形等喷印子产品上。

7.Then be dove suddenly and the old man saw flying fish spurt out of the water and sail desperately over the surface.然后它突然间往下伏冲,老人看见飞鱼从水中跳出来,拼命地掠过水面。

8.Try to relax during the letdown. Usually the milk will spurt out in forceful sprays in the beginning, and then slow down.躺下是放松,通常乳汁会在最开始喷出,后面就逐渐慢下来。

9."Then she had a spurt of growth and her feet went back to the way they were, " her mother says.“接着她突然长大,脚仍旧回到了原来的样子,”母亲说。

10.The great need in the church is for a spirit of evangepsm, not just a spurt of evangepsm.教会的最大需要是传福音的精神,而不是传福音的冲动。