


美式发音: [ˈskwerp] 英式发音: [ˈskweə(r)p]








1.正对着地;径直地;不偏不倚地directly; not at an angle or to one side

She looked at me squarely in the eye.她直直地看着我的眼睛。

He stood squarely in front of them, blocking the entrance.他就对着他们站在那里,挡住入口。

We must meet the challenge squarely(= not try to avoid it).我们必须正面迎接这一挑战。

2.直截了当;明确无误;毫不含糊地directly or exactly; without confusion

The responsibipty for the crisis rests squarely on the government.这一危机的责任全在政府。


adv.1.in a clear and definite way2.directly

1.断然地 snub 怠慢 squarely 断然地 stand off 关系疏远 ...

2.方形地 squarehead 纳维亚移民 squarely 方形地 squareman 石匠 ...

3.公正地 ... ) stakes n. 奖品,奖金 ) squarely adv. 直接地,公正地 ) reckless a. 不计后果 …

4.面对 ... rise 上升,增加,小山 squarely 成方形地,正直地 swarm 蜂窝 ...

6.规规矩矩地 sprout v 发芽,萌芽 squarely ad 规规矩矩地;公证地;断然地 squash n 南瓜,西葫芦 ...

7.坚定地 square n. 平方 squarely ad. 坚定地;坚实地;直接地 squatter n. 擅自占地者 鲤鱼网 ...

8.面对来访者  1、面对来访者(Squarely) 并非正面对正面,面向一词也可以作象征性理解,关键是你要将身体朝向当事人,能够告诉当事人, …


1.And after I leave office, it is going to be very important for the next president and the next Congress to stand squarely by your side.对于下一任总统和国会来说,很重要的就是是否这样全力支持你。

2.He faced squarely the fact that there was an enemy worthy of his steel.他正视这一事实:现在他有了一位值得他与之一见高低的劲敌。

3.It's a fabric with its own trademarked name and diagram, squarely designed to appeal to the kind of person I hate, and I own it.背心上有商标名称和图标,就是用来诱惑那种人,我讨厌的那种人,可我也拥有一件了。

4.In particular, he said the challenges embodied in the sharp rise in energy and commodity prices must be faced squarely.特别地,他说我们必须正视能源和大宗商品价格急剧攀升带来的挑战。

5.Naples does not sit squarely on a fault pne but is close enough to be at risk for major damage if a strong quake hits nearby.那普乐思并没有完全位于断层线上但也非常的靠近,因此有着巨大伤害的风险如果附近出现强大的地震。

6.It is possible to interpret Mr Roos's presence in Hiroshima in this vein, as an attempt to look history more squarely in the eye.在这种背景下,鲁斯现身广岛可以被理解为美国更坦率地看待历史的一种尝试。

7.Choosing to defy or to deify Papa puts him squarely at the center of your universe.对父亲不论选择藐视还是选择奉为神都还是将他放在了你心目的中心。

8.After a weekend of speculation, the ball is now squarely in Max Mosley's court as the battle over budget caps continues.经过一个周末的猜测,现在球是在莫斯利正视的法院之争预算上限继续。

9.The Treasury left no doubt that the resolution of the debt issue was squarely in the hands of Congress.财政部毫不含糊地宣示,解决债务问题完全是国会的事。

10.He then looks at me squarely, as if confiding a big secret.然后他很规矩地看着我,好像要倾诉一个很大的秘密一样。