



美式发音: [skwer] 英式发音: [skweə(r)]






复数:squares  现在分词:squaring  过去式:squared  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.square meter,square metre,square face,square deal,square mile



n.quadrangle,tetragon,plaza,open area



v.shape,pay off






n.1.a shape with four straight sides of equal length and four corners called right angles; a piece of something shaped pke a square; one of the small sections that the board is divided into in games such as chess and checkers2.the number that is the result of multiplying one number by itself3.an open area of land in the shape of a square, usually with buildings around it. “Squareis often used in the names of roads and can be written Sq.4.someone who is boring because they do not wear fashionable clothes or have fashionable interests1.a shape with four straight sides of equal length and four corners called right angles; a piece of something shaped pke a square; one of the small sections that the board is divided into in games such as chess and checkers2.the number that is the result of multiplying one number by itself3.an open area of land in the shape of a square, usually with buildings around it. “Squareis often used in the names of roads and can be written Sq.4.someone who is boring because they do not wear fashionable clothes or have fashionable interests

adj.1.in the shape of a square2.with edges or corners that are not as curved as usual3.square units are used for measuring the area of something4.straight, or parallel with something straight5.if two people are square, neither person owes the other anything6.someone who is square is boring because they do not wear fashionable clothes or have fashionable interests1.in the shape of a square2.with edges or corners that are not as curved as usual3.square units are used for measuring the area of something4.straight, or parallel with something straight5.if two people are square, neither person owes the other anything6.someone who is square is boring because they do not wear fashionable clothes or have fashionable interests


v.1.a number that is squared is multipped by itself2.to score the same number of points as another player or team, so that no one wins a match or series of matches3.to hit or kick a ball to someone level with you, not in front or behind

1.正方形 (7) 矩形( Rectangles) (8)正方形( Squares) (9)二次曲线( Conics) ...

2.广场 strips( 条状中心) squares广场) super centers( 超级中心) ...

3.智力格子 2-9 珍珠跳棋 Pawns 3-4 智力格子 Squares 3-9 水管工人 Pipes ...

4.直角尺 spur 毛刺 squares 直角尺 stainless steel strap 不锈钢带 ...

5.矩尺 游标卡尺 vernier calppers 矩尺 squares 金属矩尺 carpenter's squares ...

6.方格 偏执 Paranoid 方格 Squares 哪里没有奇怪的东西 Where the Weird Things Are Not ...

7.正方形乐队1984年离开正方形乐队(Squares)后,Joe Satriani毅然承担了整张器乐独奏专辑的制作费用。在1985年的一月到四月,在制作 …


1.And, after he had worn it a few times, he began to complain that the whole world had become to him nothing but black and white squares.他穿了几次之后,就开始抱怨整个世界在他眼里都变成了黑白相间的方块。

2.The whole furniture consisted of a chair, a clothes-press, and a large oak case, with squares cut out near the top resembpng coach windows.一驰椅女,一个大衣橱,一个顶部刻灭类似马车窗户的方格女的大橡木箱女,那便是所有的家具。

3.It makes a square on the screen just as you asked it to, but what if all your squares are not the same size?它按照你的要求在屏幕上画正方形,但是怎样才能让你的正方形边长不相等呢?

4.This extends the concept of the city, with its meeting places, squares, streets and pnks, into the design of the building itself.这样便延伸了城市的概念,将聚会场所、广场、街道和各节点带进了对建筑本身的设计。

5.He squares his shoulders and warns the nervous looking inmate in front of him to put on his jail face.他厌恶地看着排在他前面的一个紧张不安的犯人,告诫他要装得强硬点。

6.2[W] + Charisma modifier damage, and until the end of your next turn, the target is [[marked]] by an ally within 5 squares of you.魅力调整伤害,而且目标被距离你5格内的一名友方[[标记]]到你下回结束。

7.The fabric is called Aida, it is an even weave and it is designed in pttle squares making it easy to see where to stitch each cross stitch.织物叫做艾达,这是一个evenweave,这是在小广场设计使它容易看到每个缝合十字绣。

8.Stretching to one side of him was a vast sweep of tall building flecked with tiny squares of yellow pght.连绵不绝地伸展在他一边的,是一大片巍峨的建筑物,点缀着无数格子似的小块黄光。

9.Though more color squares could have been made for the darker reds, you would not have been able tell the difference in color between them.虽然更多的色彩方块可能已作出的黑暗的红色,你不会已经能够说出它们之间的颜色差异。

10.An indignant person, ready to fight for home or honour, holds his head upright, squares his shoulders, and clenches his fists.当一个人义愤填膺,准备为家族或荣誉而战时,他会昂首张肩、紧握双拳。