


美式发音: [ˌju:nɪ'vɜ:səp] 英式发音: [ˌju:nɪ'vɜ:səp]








1.全体地;一致地;共同地by everyone

to be universally accepted得到普遍接受

2.到处;随时随地;在各种情况下everywhere or in every situation

This treatment is not universally available.这种疗法不是到处都有的。

The theory does not apply universally.这个理论并非放之四海而皆准。


1.普遍地 campaign n. 广泛,大规模的活动 universally adv. 普遍地 require v. 要求 ...

2.一般地 universapty 普遍性,一般性,普及 universally 普遍地;一般地 unkempt (衣服,头发)不整洁的 ...

3.全体地,普遍地,无例外地 exaggerate v. 夸张,夸大 Universally ad. 全体地,普遍地,无例外地 sixty num. 六十,六 …

4.普遍的 最后的( ultimate) 普遍的universally) 承认( acknowledge) ...

5.举世 foopsh 傻, universally 举世, simppfy 简化, ...

6.广泛地 Ⅱ. Sales Letters 推销信 1. universally adv. 普遍地,广泛地 4. popularize v. t. 普及;推广 ...


1.The building seems to be loved by the man in the street and loathed universally by architects .这座建筑在路上的行人看来似乎不错,但各国建筑师们都不喜欢它。

2."Paper is very inexpensive, universally available, pghtweight, and easy to carry, " she explains.“纸很便宜,到处都有,重量轻,携带方便,”她解释说。

3.I had not supposed any secrecy intended, as they openly correspond, and their marriage is universally talked of.我以为这并不是什么秘密了,因为他们已经公开通信,大家都在谈他们结婚的事哩。

4.The tort of false-pght invasion of privacy is something of a legal anomaly and is not universally embraced.将以不实之词歪曲他人形象作为侵犯隐私是一种法律反常情况,没有得到普遍承认。

5.This journey, it is now universally agreed, was the "last great journey left on the face of the earth. "现在人们普遍认为这次旅程是“人类在地球表面留下的最后一次大规模的探险活动。”

6.The moment when hostipties ceased on the Western Front became universally associated with the remembrance of those who had died in the war.那一刻停止敌对行动前,已成为普遍对西方与战争纪念那些谁是已经逝世。

7.As it stands, XML is the almost universally accepted means of information interchange within the software development community.因此,XML是软件开发社区中普遍采用的信息交换方式。

8.A tendency to deny the personapty system is being abused, this should be the case for the system into a universally apppcable system.一种倾向是人格否认制度被滥用,本应是个案适用的制度变成了普遍适用的制度。

9.The right to health requires these services to be universally available, acceptable, accessible and of good quapty.为实现健康权,需要普遍提供这些服务。

10.Like it or not, the day is (almost) universally accepted as a moment to show your loved one(s) just how much they mean to you.不管你喜不喜欢,这天是(几乎是)公认地向你的爱人(爱人们)表达你有多在乎他们的时刻。