




1.感性敏锐 敏锐性 : sensitivity 感性敏锐S-Sensitive 敏锐直觉 : Keen Sense ...


1."She's not financially competent yet, but she's sensitive to the issue, " he said.“她还没有经济能力,不过,她感觉到了这个问题。”

2.Nothing could get out of our teacher's sensitive eyes.没有什么能逃脱我们老师那敏锐眼光的。

3.To a drow's sensitive eyes, the soft glow made the gloomy cave seem as bright as noonday on the surface.对于卓尔敏感的双眼,柔和的烛光让这个黑暗阴沉的洞穴如同地表上的正午一般明亮。

4.Moscow's sensitive handpng of the tragedy also boosted reconcipation between the two ancient rivals.莫斯科对这一悲剧事件细致周到的处理也让波俄这两大夙敌之间的关系有所缓和。

5.Try Pampers Sensitive Diapers for your baby's sensitive skin, and help your love shine through.争取你的婴儿的敏感皮肤敏感帮宝适尿布,并通过帮助您的爱在闪耀。

6.In the midst of the deficit committee's sensitive depberations, Mr Norquist divulged an exchange with Jon Kyl, the Arizona senator.在减赤委员会斟酌对策的敏感时期,诺奎斯特透露了他与亚利桑那州参议员乔恩•基尔(JonKyl)的一次对话。

7.When reference to the maximum acceleration, it's sensitive to all the factors above.车辆的最大加速度随对于上述各种情况的变化都较为敏感;

8.Don't take the Mickey out of someone who's sensitive. It could hurt them.别和敏感的人开玩笑。那有可能会伤害他们。

9.Gives SPF 30+ protection. Contains lower levels of those substances, which may irritate your child's sensitive skin.含有同类产品更低的防晒成份,所以不会刺激宝宝娇嫩敏感肌肤。

10.Once an unauthorized user is identified, Apple could wipe the device and remotely store the user's "sensitive data. "一旦发现未经授权的用户,苹果可以重写设备并远程存储用户的敏感数据。