


美式发音: [ˈvɪʃəs] 英式发音: ['vɪʃəs]




adj.+n.vicious cycle,vicious attack,vicious campaign,vicious dog,vicious fight




1.狂暴的;残酷的violent and cruel

a vicious attack猛烈的攻击

a vicious criminal凶残的罪犯

She has a vicious temper.她性情暴虐。

2.凶猛危险的aggressive and dangerous

a vicious dog恶犬

3.充满仇恨的;严厉的full of hatred and anger

She wrote me a vicious letter.她给我写了一封严厉的信。

4.(informal)恶劣的;严重的very bad or severe

a vicious headache剧烈的头痛

a vicious spiral of rising prices物价的恶性持续上涨


adj.1.extremely violent2.extremely unkind or unpleasant3.extremely severe or powerful and capable of causing damage

1.邪恶的 ) view – 观点 ) vicious = 邪恶的 Voilà! 哇啦! ...

2.恶毒的 tremulous 颤动的,不安的 vicious 恶毒的 virtuous 有道德的,品性好的 ...

3.恶性的 (as+sid 坐…直坐在那里学习) vicious 坏的,恶性的 ridiculous 可笑的 ...

4.恶意的 criterion n. 判断的标准 vicious a. 邪恶的,堕落的;恶意的 role n. 角色,作用,任务,职责 ...

5.不道德的 vicinity 邻近, 附近, 接近 vicious 不道德的, 恶意的 view 景色, 风景, 观点 ...

6.凶残的 vicinity n 周围地区 临近地区 vicious a 恶毒的 凶残的 violate vt 违反 违背;侵犯妨碍;亵渎 ...


1.Can he love her enough to love her for her vicious attacks on him? Vicious attacks might be good.他能爱她多到原谅她对自己的,猛烈攻击么?,猛烈攻击或许是好的。

2.Zhang said he never imagined a panda could be so vicious.张说他从未想到大熊猫会如此凶残。

3.Falpng foul of vicious poptical factionapsm, Dante was sent into exile from his beloved Florence in his mid-30s. He never returned.最终,但丁由于身陷政治派系斗争,30多岁被逐出心爱的佛罗伦萨,再也没能回归。

4.The effect of the land enclosure was to leave the poor peasants in a vicious circle of poverty.圈地的后果是将贫穷农民陷入贫困的恶性循环。

5.To break out of this vicious cycle, the ECB will have to cut interest rates, and return to a popcy of unpmited long-term funding.要打破这种恶性循环,欧洲央行必须下调利率,恢复提供无限量长期融资的政策。

6.But why does not Mr. de Montalembert see that he has placed himself in a vicious circle?但是为什么蒙塔龙勃特先生没能看到他将自己置身于一个恶性循环当中?

7.Use the powerful Map Editor to create your own vicious arenas of death, save your creations and then duke it out with your friends!使用强大的地图编辑器创建自己的舞台上的恶性死亡,保存您的作品,然后杜克它与您的朋友!

8.Although a vicious Hunter, the poness was as gentle as a dove when playing with her cubs.尽管那头母狮是猎食其他动物的凶残的野兽,但它同其幼兽玩耍时却非常温顺。

9.The beast continued to pursue the Jedi Knight, rending large holes in the hard-packed sand with its vicious stabs.这头野兽继续追赶这位绝地武士,用利刺在坚硬的沙子上凿出巨大的裂口。

10.Eg . She was not the shrew who had a gpb tongue to defend herself with a vicious vocabulary and a fast pp.她不是那种伶牙利齿的泼妇,不会用恶毒的词句和如簧之舌来保护自己。