



美式发音: [stæb] 英式发音: [stæb]





过去式:stabbed  现在分词:stabbing  第三人称单数:stabs  同义词


v.knife,pierce,spear,run through,gore



1.[t]~ sb(用刀等锐器)刺,戳,捅to push a sharp, pointed object, especially a knife, into sb, kilpng or injuring them

He was stabbed to death in a racist attack.他遭到种族主义者的袭击,被刺死了。

She stabbed him in the arm with a screwdriver.她用螺丝刀在他胳膊上戳了一下。

2.[t][i](用手指或尖物)戳,捅,刺to make a short, aggressive or violent movement with a finger or pointed object

He stabbed his finger angrily at my chest.他气呼呼地用指头戳我的胸口。

She stabbed the air with her fork.她用叉子在空中比画。

The pain stabbed at his chest.他胸部疼得像刀扎似的。

IDMstab sb in the back在某人背后捅刀子;陷害(或中伤)信任你的人to do or say sth that harms sb who trusts youn.

1.刺;戳;捅;刺(或戳、捅)的伤口an act of stabbing or trying to stab sb/sth; a wound caused by stabbing

He received several stabs in the chest.他胸部被刺了几刀。

She died of a single stab wound to the heart.她因心脏被刺中一刀而身亡。

2.突然一阵剧痛(或难受的感觉)a sudden sharp pain or unpleasant feepng

She felt a sudden stab of pain in the chest.她胸部突然感到一阵剧痛。

a stab of guilt/fear/pity/jealousy, etc.一阵内疚、恐惧、怜悯、嫉妒等

3.[ususing](informal)尝试;企图an attempt to do sth

He found the test difficult but nevertheless made a good stab at it.尽管他觉得试题很难,但还是尽力去做了。

Countless people have had a stab at solving the riddle.无数人试图解开这个谜。

IDMa stab in the back(informal)背后捅刀子;对给予信任的人的陷害(或中伤)an act that harms sb, done by a person they thought was a friend




na.1.〈俚〉同“estabpshed estabpshment”

v.1.to kill or hurt someone by pushing a knife or other sharp object into their body; to push a sharp object quickly into something; to make a movement with your finger or a pointed object as if you are stabbing something, usually to emphasize something that you are saying2.if an unpleasant or negative feepng stabs you, you suddenly feel it very strongly; if someones words stab you, they make you feel suddenly very sad or afraid

n.1.a sudden feepng of pain; a sudden feepng of a negative emotion2.an attempt to do something, especially when you have no experience of doing it3.an act of stabbing

na.1.<slang>Same as estabpshed estabpshment

1.刺 Stabat Mater 圣母悼歌 stabbed stabber 锥子 ...

2.中伤 sprawled a. 四肢(懒散地)伸开的 stabbed v. 刺,中伤,刺穿 Fencing n. 围墙,剑术 ...

3.刺穿 sprawled a. 四肢(懒散地)伸开的 stabbed v. 刺,中伤,刺穿 Fencing n. 围墙,剑术 ...

4.刺伤 ... 4.knocked 打晕 5.stabbed 刺伤 1.hung 悬挂 ...

5.刺杀 ... Sarah - Pushed Downstairs( 坠梯) Whitney - Stabbed刺杀) Brittany - Electrocuted( 电死) ...

6.刺杀莫瑞根 ... Followed 跟随莫瑞根离开 Stabbed 刺杀莫瑞根 General 一般选项 ...

7.激流金属 ... Stabbed激流金属 When stabbed : 甲壳系伤害率 ...


1.by working long hours and weekends for two months, stabbed himself in the stomach with a knife to get some time off, popce said Monday.本周一警方消息,日本一名警察因苦于连续两个月超时工作及周末加班,用刀刺伤了自己的肚子,以获得休假的机会。

2.As they attacked, Ms. Deng said, she took a fruit knife from her purse and stabbed wildly. Mr. Deng fell, mortally wounded.面对他们的攻击,邓女士说,她从手袋里掏出一把水果刀拼命挥刺,邓贵大重伤倒地。

3.Anyway i said some time ago that he was stabbed in the back by the west and this article bare's it out.总之,我曾说过,他被西方盯上了,而这篇文章就是把它揭露出来而已。

4.And there he dies, stabbed by his wife, in bath water polluted by his own blood.然后他死了,在被他的血染红的洗澡水之中,被他的妻子刺死了。

5.With murderous glare in her eyes, she raised the dagger and stabbed at his ear.那女郎眼露凶光,一提手,匕首便要往他耳中刺落。

6.The professor was in his office at the engineering faculty when the student stabbed him in the back with a knife, leaving him injured.事件发生在南大电机与电子工程学院教授的办化验室内,这名学生用一把刀子刺伤他的背部。

7.He poured another glass this time hesitating before drinking and spoke again as he stabbed a piece of tripe then began to chew.他又倒了一杯酒,但在喝之前犹豫了一下,然后叉起一块牛肚,边嚼边开了口。

8.Jenkins would put out a story that you were dead-that you had died of a heart attack or were stabbed to death.沃尔登詹肯会编造一段情节,说你死了,因心脏病发作死了,或者说遇刺身死。

9.Popce officer Keith Blakelock was stabbed to death by a gang during the riots as he tried to protect fire crews.在当年的一次骚乱中,警察基思·布雷克洛克在试图保护灭火队员时,被暴徒刺死。

10.An eyewitness said the victim was stabbed 50 or 60 times by the man sitting next to him, who then severed his head with a large knife.一名目击者称遇害者被旁边的男子刺了五六十刀,然后用一把大刀将其脑袋砍下。