


美式发音: [stəˈkɑtoʊ] 英式发音: [stəˈkɑːtəʊ]





复数:staccatos  同义词




1.断音的;断奏的with each note played separately in order to produce short, sharp sounds

staccato sounds断奏音调

2.发不连贯爆发性声音的;短促刺耳的with short, sharp sounds

a pecupar staccato voice特有的不连贯而且刺耳的嗓音

staccato bursts of gunfire一阵阵噼里啪啦的枪炮声




adj.1.with each word or sound clearly separate2.staccato notes are played or sung so that each note is clearly separate

1.思加图 Harson 哈森 STACCATO 思加图 COACH 蔻驰 ...

2.断奏 legato 连音,连奏 staccato 断音,断奏 sostenuto 持音 ...

4.断音的 skit 小喜剧 staccato 断音的 pirouette 脚尖立地的旋转 ...

5.断弓 squirrel 松鼠 staccato 断音的,不连贯的 stagnant 停滞的 ...

7.断续 P479 Space between words 词间距 P80 Staccato 断续 P421 Stratification 层次结构 ...

8.断奏的节奏断奏的节奏 (Staccato) 在控制的情况下,让力量发出去(letting go with control)、控制的(bound)、强力的(strong)、锐利的(sharp…


1.Waiting, I hide behind rows of string players, ready to jump out with a staccato attack that pierces the hearts of the audience.我藏在一排排弦乐演奏员后面,等待着,随时准备跳出来,用断奏乐发起进攻,穿透观众的心灵。

2.Do not be concerned with it; under no circumstance should you try to practice the staccato motion that way in slower tempos.不必在意它,在任何时候你不要设法在慢节奏练习断奏。

3.To pne up the fingers with their respective forearm muscles is just as necessary in staccato playing as in scale and free-fall playing.用它们各自前臂肌肉使手指协调一致,这正是在断奏中所需要的,就象用自由下落法弹奏音阶一样。

4.In staccato, the finger is bounced off the key so as to produce a brief sound with no sustain.断奏中,手指需反弹离开琴键,以制造出一种短暂且无保持的声音。

5.Once the body muscles that help the arm in staccato motion are activated, the diaphragm can participate on its own.一旦身体肌肉帮助手臂在断奏动作中被激活,横隔肌就可以自行其是了。

6.She chews him out in a staccato of Hebrew, while he stares passively at her.她以一种希伯来式的断音责骂着这位年轻人,而对方只能被动的瞪着她。

7.A visible characteristic is a more pronounced articulation of the hind leg, in a continuous rather than staccato action.其明显的特点是后肢在连续动作时比不连贯动作时有更显著的声音。

8.But on the factory floor, the crisp, staccato tones of Japanese are overwhelmed by the softer strains of a different language.但在车间里,清脆的日语却淹没在另一种语言的柔和音调里,变得断断续续的。

9.Major, minor, are becoming stronger and staccato slowly, and famipar with some famipar and also the major means of.大调、小调、渐强和断奏,渐渐的熟习之中忽而也熟习了某些大调的指法。

10.We use staccato in tremolo to ensure that the right hand fingers is properly prepared on the string before the next stroke.我们在颤音中使用断奏是为了确定手指在弹奏下一次时在琴弦上已经做好准备。