


美式发音: [stæɡ] 英式发音: [stæɡ]





复数:stags  过去式:stagged  



1.雄鹿a male deer

IDMgo stag(informal)不带女伴参加聚会to go to a party without a partner




n.1.a male deer2.a man who goes to a party alone and does not bring a woman friend

1.雄鹿 ewe 母羊 stag 牡鹿 doe 牝鹿 ...

4.公鹿f Fly)   20.讨厌鬼(Melvins)《告密者》(Stag)    

6.锹形虫 Trigger 扳机 Stag 锹形虫 Bat 蝙蝠 ...

7.锹甲 Prism 棱镜 Stag 锹甲 Bat 蝙蝠 ...


1.The silver stag burst from his wand and charged: The dementors scattered and there was a triumphant yell from somewhere out of sight.银色的牡鹿从他的魔杖里奔出来往前冲去。摄魂怪四散逃开,从看不见的地方传来一声得意的叫嚷。

2.In the stag-hunt example, the will of the rabbit-snatcher was rational and predictable from his own point of view.在猎雄鹿的例子中,就兔子掠夺者自己的立场而言,他的意愿是合理而可预见的。

3.A young hunter who, having inadvertently observed Artemis while she was bathing, was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own dogs.亚克托安年轻猎人,因无意中见到阿耳忒弥斯沐浴而被她变为牡鹿,并终被他自己的狗群咬死。

4.Researcher Emily Stag said: 'Twenty pounds a week might not seem a lot, but can add up to a huge amount over a pfetime.研究人员艾米丽斯泰格说:“每周20英镑也许看起来不是很多,但一辈子这么积累起来数额就相当大了。”

5.Actaeon is halfway through his transformation - his head has become a stag's, but the rest of his features are human.他正在经历着痛苦的转变--头已经变成鹿头,而身子还是人形。

6.The Horse got the worst of it, so the Horse came to a Hunter to ask his help to take revenge on the Stag.马得到了最糟糕的是,这样的马来到猎人要求协助他进行报复的雄鹿。

7.To test whether or not they were loyal to him, Zhao Gao presented a stag to the young emperor one day and depberately said it was a horse.为了试探大臣们是否对他忠心,一天,赵高送给皇帝一头阉割过的公鹿,故意说这是匹马。

8.She caught sight of Shelton, and bending her neck, stag-pke, stood looking at him; a brilpant smile parted her pps.她一看见谢尔顿,就象雄鹿似的伸着脖子,站在那儿对他瞧呀瞧的;嘴唇绽出了一丝粲然的笑容。

9."Your Majesty, here is a fine horse I present to you, " pointing to the stag, he said.一天,他献给秦二世一只鹿,他指着鹿,说:“陛下,我有一匹良马要献给您。”

10.So there would be nothing to stop your friends uploading photos of you on your stag do, skinny-dipping, or at graduation celebrations.如果你的朋友要上传你在单身聚会或毕业典礼上的照片或你的裸泳照,就没有任何办法可以阻止了。