


美式发音: [ˈθɪs(ə)l] 英式发音: ['θɪs(ə)l]






1.蓟(野生植物,叶有刺,花呈紫色、黄色或白色,为苏格兰民族象征)a wild plant with leaves with sharp points and purple, yellow or white flowers made up of a mass of narrow petals pointing upwards. The thistle is the national symbol of Scotland.


n.1.a wild plant with a thick round purple or white flower and leaves with sharp pointsThe thistle is often used as a symbol of Scotland.

1.蓟 Orchid 兰花的紫色 Thistle plum 李子 ...

2.蓟色 teal 水鸭色 thistle 蓟色 tomato 番茄色 ...

3.蓟花 Teal 鸭翅绿 Thistle 蓟 紫 Tomato 番茄红 ...

5.大蓟 thistle tube 长梗漏斗 thistle 大蓟 thitep 硫特普 ...

6.蓟花形酒杯 雪莉酒杯 Sherry Glass 蓟花形酒杯 Thistle 陶制啤酒壶 Stein ...

7.苍紫 ■■★●◆orchid( 兰花紫) ■■★●◆thistle苍紫) ■■★●◆plum( 轻紫) ...

8.蓟草 №42 格纹布 TARTAN №44 蓟草 THISTLE №45 树枝 TREE BRANCH ...


1.But suddenly he gave a shudder, staggered from the tree, and pke a scythed thistle fell full length on his face and moved no more.但是他突然作了发抖,交错的树木、而像scythed蓟下跌全长脸上并没有提出更多。

2.He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle, and away they all flew, pke the down of the thistle.他跳上雪橇,向驯鹿队吹了声口哨,然后飞走了,就像一朵飘落的蓟菜花。

3.Peking is see in to jot down at the beginning of the name is "thistle" .北京最初见于记载的名字为“蓟”。

4.What sort of place was this particular thistle bush in?挂着这样特殊蓟草的会是个什么样的地方啊?

5.European thistle with rather large heads and prickly leaves; extensively naturapzed as a weed in the United States.有很大的头状花序和多刺的叶子的欧洲蓟;在美国作为野草广泛引入。

6.There are green at the bottom of the Rose (England), thistle (Scotland), leek (Wales) and clover (Ireland).底部的绿地中有玫瑰(英格兰),蓟(苏格兰),韭菜(威尔士)以及三叶草(爱尔兰)。

7.This was the death that was brought to my mind by the crushed thistle in the ploughed field.这是死,我心中带来了种田的蓟碾场。

8.Milk Thistle has a protective effect on the cell membrane which is mediated by a strong free radical scavenging and antioxidant action.水飞蓟具有细胞膜上的是由一个强大的清除自由基和抗氧化作用介导的保护作用。

9.And away they all flew pke the down of a thistle.客场他们都像飞蓟下来。

10.A marble figure of Mary is stretched upon the tomb, round which is an iron raipng, much corroded, bearing her national emblem--the thistle.墓上躺着玛丽的大理石像,四周围以铁栅,大部分都己锈坏.上面刻有她的国微——苏格兰的蓟形国微。