



美式发音: [stɔk] 英式发音: [stɔːk]




第三人称单数:stalks  现在分词:stalking  过去式:stalked  同义词






n.1.a long thin part of a plant with a flower, fruit, or leaf at the end; a long thin part of an object or animal that supports something on the end of it

v.1.to follow and watch someone all the time in a threatening way, because of an extremely strong interest in them2.to hunt a person or animal by following them without being seen3.to walk in a way that shows you feel angry or offended4.to move around in a place in a dangerous, harmful, or threatening way; if something unpleasant or dangerous stalks a place, it affects the people there1.to follow and watch someone all the time in a threatening way, because of an extremely strong interest in them2.to hunt a person or animal by following them without being seen3.to walk in a way that shows you feel angry or offended4.to move around in a place in a dangerous, harmful, or threatening way; if something unpleasant or dangerous stalks a place, it affects the people there

1.茎 ... Stalks茎秆 Remove Stalks : 去蒂 ...

3.茎类植物 叶片 Leaves 茎鞘 Stalks 籽粒 Grains ...

6.两根竹子 pairs 三双袜子 stalks 两根竹子 pile 两叠草纸 ...

7.植物的茎 Asparagus 芦笋 Stalks 植物的茎 Spears 芽 ...


1.But she had taken them up to the roof and hidden them under the stalks of flax she had laid out on the roof .先是女人领二人上了房顶,将他们藏在那里所摆的麻秸中。

2.Every time he brought home a bundle of bamboo, he found a gold coin in one of the stalks.每一次他带回来一捆竹子的时候,都会在其中的一根竹茎中发现到一枚金币。

3.It seemed as if the air were singing and sounding, as if rays of pght were piercing through the leaves and the stalks of the Flower.空气好像是在唱着歌和奏着乐,阳光好像钻进了它的叶子和梗子。

4.He is beginning to understand that his best hope for keeping these intrusions at bay is to slowly tame the beast that stalks him the media.他开始懂得要想抵挡住这些侵扰,最好的办法是慢慢驯服媒体这头紧逼不放的野兽。

5.It could move its eyes in and out on stalks, it had big ears and its body was fat and round and furry.它有一双伸缩自如的柄眼、一对大耳朵,身体又胖又圆,还毛绒绒的。

6.Rather, pull out some stalks for her from the bundles and leave them for her to pick up, and don't rebuke her.并要从捆里抽出些来,留在地下任她拾取,不可叱吓她。

7.She says she was 'devastated' at the sight of her remaining wiry patches standing pke corn stalks on a silky lawn.她说,当时她被眼前看到的景象惊呆了:剩下的金属线像玉米秸秆一样树在光滑的草坪上。

8.Throughout urban Africa, as well, it is common to see brittle corn stalks peeking out from behind crowded shacks.而且在非洲的各个城市,也常见到脆嫩的玉米梗摇曳于拥挤的矮房间。

9.When the wind blew the grass would sigh as the stalks brushed against each other, whispering in a tongue that only gods could understand.风吹过的时候,草秆之间的触动发出阵阵叹息,它们的窃窃私语只有神灵才能听得懂。

10.Hypocotyls The stem below the cotyledons, occupying the region between the cotyledon stalks and the point where lateral roots arise.是子叶以下的胚轴部分,即子叶着生点与侧根出现位点间的区域。