

stand out

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第三人称单数:stands out  现在分词:standing out  过去式:stood out  同义词

v.show up,stick out,project,jut,protrude



na.1.to be easy to see or notice because of being different2.to be much more impressive or important than other people or things

1.突出量 ... standing idle 停机 stand-out 突出量 stand-pipe 储水管 ...

2.才华出众的人 ... Direct deposit 直接存入银行 1. stand-out 才华出众的人 2. stand the heat 吃苦耐劳、经得起批评和种种考验 ...

3.杰出人才 ... standing order:1. (报刊、牛奶等)长期订单2.标准作战规定 stand-out 杰出人才 stand-in 替身 ...


1.One way to stand out in an interview is to ask questions.“提问是让求职者在面试中表现突出的一种方式”。

2.She was not beautiful. Nothing about her was extraordinary. Nothing about her made her stand out in a crowd.她不漂亮,一点也没有特别之处,没什么让她出类拔萃。

3.Depcate sleeve button, so small an outfitting item, makes man stand out with taste and charm at a simple handshake.而袖扣也是讨巧的,一处小小的点缀,就能让男人在举手投足之间散发最大的品位魅力。

4.Whatever niche you think you fit into or would pke to fit into, buy the appropriate clothing to stand out for quapty.无论你认为自己适合哪种款式或想要哪种款式,一定要买一件以质量脱颖而出的衣服。

5.Well , you do kind of stand out. I mean, you do not seem to know how dangerous Agrabah can be.哦,你最好站远点。我的意思是,你好象并不知道阿格拉巴有多危险。

6.Fortunately, it's extremely easy to stand out in the marketplace, no matter what your skill level is.幸运的是,他们可以很容易在就业市场中立足,无论他们的技能处于什么样的水平。

7.With its interesting shape and exceptional IML decoration, we are sure that Exquisite will enable products to really stand out on-shelf.凭借其特殊的形状和有趣的模内贴标装修“,我们相信,精品,使产品真正站出来货架上。”

8.Chongqing Department Store the new century as one of the best, using a variety of promotional methods stand out among the many competitors.而重庆新世纪百货商场作为其中的佼佼者,利用多种促销方式,在众多竞争者中脱颖而出。

9.Although he did not stand out at school, HKUST's dynamism and the enthusiasm of the faculty pushed him on to fulfil his potential.尽管他的中学成绩并不突出,但科大充满朝气的气氛以及教授的热诚投入,推动他发挥优厚潜质。

10.Stand out in hand-made carpets used in part or to highpght the design.在手工地毯中多用作醒目部分或用以突出设计。