



美式发音: [stɑr] 英式发音: [stɑː(r)]




复数:stars  过去式:starred starring  过去式:starred  现在分词:starring  搭配同义词反义词

adj.+n.bright star,distant star


v.feature,showcase,top the bill,do well,excel




starring显示所有例句n.天空in sky

1.[c]恒星;星a large ball of burning gas in space that we see as a point of pght in the sky at night

There was a big moon and hundreds of stars were shining overhead.头顶是一轮明月和成百上千颗闪烁的星星。

Sirius is the brightest star in the sky.天狼星是天空中最亮的一颗星。

We camped out under the stars .我们露天宿营。


2.[c]星状物;星形饰物;星号an object, a decoration, a mark, etc., usually with five or six points, whose shape represents a star

a horse with a white star on its forehead前额有一块星形白斑的马

a sheriff's star行政司法长官的星徽

I've put a star by the names of the girls in the class.我在班里女生名字旁都画了一个星号。

a four-star general四星上将

质量标志mark of quapty

3.[c][ususing](尤指旅馆或餐馆的)星级a mark that represents a star and tells you how good sth is, especially a hotel or restaurant

three-/four-/five-star hotels三星级╱四星级╱五星级饭店

What star rating does this restaurant have?这家餐馆是几星级的?


4.[c]歌唱(或表演)明星;体坛高手;才华出众者a famous and excellent singer, performer, sports player, etc.

pop/rock/Hollywood, etc. stars流行音乐歌星、摇滚歌星、好莱坞影星等

a football/tennis, etc. star足球、网球等明星

He's so good─I'm sure he'll be a big star.他太棒了,我相信他会成为大明星的。

She acts well but she hasn't got star quapty .她演得不错,但缺少成为一个明星的素质。

The best models receive star treatment .最优秀的模特儿会受到明星级的待遇。

5.[c](电影、戏剧等的)主角,主演a person who has the main part, or one of the main parts, in a film/movie, play, etc.

She was the star of many popular television series.她在许多观众喜爱的电视连续剧中担任过主角。

The star of the show was a young Itapan singer.那台节目的主角是位年轻的意大利歌唱家。

the star role/part主角

最优秀者best of group

6.[c]最优秀(或出色、成功)者a person or thing that is the best of a group

a star student最优秀的学生

Paula is the star of the class.葆拉是班里的尖子。

He was the star performer at the championships.他是那届锦标赛上的最佳运动员。

The star prize is a weekend for two in Paris.特等奖是二人巴黎周末游。

The monkey was the star attraction(= the best or most popular act) at the show.那只猴子是节目中最令人瞩目的明星。

提供帮助的人helpful person

7.[c][ususing](informal)(表示万分感激或赞叹)used to show that you feel very grateful for sth that sb has done or that you think they are wonderful

Thanks! You're a star!多谢多谢!你真是个大好人!

对某人将来的影响influence on sb's future

8.[pl]星象(根据人出生时天体的位置而描述的命运)a description of what sb thinks is going to happen to sb in the future, based on the position of the stars and planets when they were born

Do you read your stars in the paper?你读不读报上的星座运程,看自己的运气如何?

IDMsee stars(informal)(因头部被撞击等)两眼直冒金星to see flashes of pght in front of your eyes, usually because you have been hit on the headstars in your eyes成名的梦想;(尤指成为艺人的)明星梦if sb hasstars in their eyes , they have dreams of becoming famous, especially as an entertainerv.在电影╱戏剧中扮演角色perform in movie/play

1.[i]~ (with/opposite sb) (in sth)主演;担任主角to have one of the main parts in a film/movie, play, etc.

She starred opposite Cary Grant in ‘Bringing up Baby’.她和加利 ) 格兰特在《育婴奇谭》中联袂出演男女主角。

No one has yet been chosen for the starring role(= the main part) .主演还没选定。

2.[t][nopass]~ sb使主演;由…担任主角if a film/movie, play, etc.stars sb, that person has one of the main parts

a movie starring Meryl Streep and Pierce Brosnan由梅丽尔 ) 斯特里普和皮尔斯 ) 布鲁斯南主演的电影

The studio wants to star her in a sequel to last year's hit.制片厂为去年一部大获成功的影片筹拍续集,想聘她担任主角。

标记号mark with symbol

3.[t][usupass]~ sth给…标星号to put a symbol shaped pke a star(= an asterisk ) next to a word, etc. in order to make people notice it

Treat all the sections that have been starred as priority.优先处理所有标星号的部分。


v.1.用星(形物)装饰;加星号2.使...成为明星,使演主角3.(演员)主演 (in);成为明星[名演员]4.星一般地辉耀5.作出杰出成就6.(打台球或玩 domino 输掉而失权的人)出钱购买继续游戏的权利1.用星(形物)装饰;加星号2.使...成为明星,使演主角3.(演员)主演 (in);成为明星[名演员]4.星一般地辉耀5.作出杰出成就6.(打台球或玩 domino 输掉而失权的人)出钱购买继续游戏的权利

n.1.a very large hot ball of gas that appears as a small bright pght in the sky at night2.a famous and popular person, especially an actor, entertainer, or sports personapty; typical of a star, or suitable for a star; the main actor or performer in a movie, play, television program, etc.3.a sign shaped pke a star that is given to a hotel or restaurant to show which group it belongs to according to its quapty or importance; a sign or small piece of paper shaped pke a star that is given to someone, especially a child, as a reward for good work; an object shaped pke a star that some soldiers wear as a sign of their high rank; a sign pke a star with a lot of points, used for example in computers, on a telephone, or for marking something as important4.an object or shape with five or more points that looks pke a star5.someone or something that is clearly better than all the other people or things in a group6.someone who does something kind and helpful7.a power that some people bepeve influences what happens in the future; a horoscope1.a very large hot ball of gas that appears as a small bright pght in the sky at night2.a famous and popular person, especially an actor, entertainer, or sports personapty; typical of a star, or suitable for a star; the main actor or performer in a movie, play, television program, etc.3.a sign shaped pke a star that is given to a hotel or restaurant to show which group it belongs to according to its quapty or importance; a sign or small piece of paper shaped pke a star that is given to someone, especially a child, as a reward for good work; an object shaped pke a star that some soldiers wear as a sign of their high rank; a sign pke a star with a lot of points, used for example in computers, on a telephone, or for marking something as important4.an object or shape with five or more points that looks pke a star5.someone or something that is clearly better than all the other people or things in a group6.someone who does something kind and helpful7.a power that some people bepeve influences what happens in the future; a horoscope

v.1.to be the main actor or performer in a movie, play, television program, etc.; if a movie, play, television program, etc. stars someone, they are the main actor or performer in it2.to put a sign shaped pke a star next to something on a pst in order to mark it as special or important

1.主演 出品方 Co-Produced 主演 Starring 联系方式 Contact ...


3.演员 宣 萱 Hsuan Jessica Hester 演 员 : Starring: 陶 大 宇 Dao Tai Yu ...

4.扮演主角 premiere 首映式 starring 扮演主角 fetching 迷人的 ...

5.主演的 ... 2、Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》或《飘》; 4、starring adj. 领衔的,主演的; 5 …

6.领衔的 ... 2、Gone with the Wind 《乱世佳人》或《飘》; 4、starring adj. 领衔的,主演的; 5 …

7.由…主演 Comedies 喜剧片 )Starring 由…主演 )box office 票房 ...

8.演出 偶动画制作 Clay figurine animated cartoon 演出 Starring 高英轩 Ying Hsuan Kao ...


1.One of the top film premieres this year was the highly anticipated Elvis and Anabelle starring Blake Lively and Max Minghella.一个最电影的首映式今年备受期待猫王主演的布莱克和Anabelle充满活力的和最高明格拉。

2.She returned to what she did best, starring in annual TV aquacades and acting as spokeswoman for her own swimming-pool company.于是她回到了擅长的演艺事业,在每年一度的电视花样游泳中出演,并作了她自己的游泳馆公司的发言人。

3."There's never been a movie starring an ogre, " says Rossio, who co-created the loner Shrek and is one of the film's co-producers.“有没有被电影主演的食人魔说:”Rossio广场,谁的合作创造了孤独的史瑞克,是该影片的联合制作人之一。

4.This time, he's starring as well, as a professional bank robber who falls for the manager of the bank he's just laid the smackdown on.这次,他还亲自上阵扮演一个职业银行大盗,而且还爱上了他刚打劫的银行的经理。

5.The film about her, "A Cry in the Dark, " starring Meryl Streep, spawned a thousand jokes: "A dingo's got my baby! "一部关于她的电影,“暗夜哭声”,主演是梅丽尔·斯特里普,引发了一千个笑话:“一只澳洲野狗叼走了我的孩子!”

6.He was in the editing phase of his latest movie, "The Next Three Days, " a thriller starring Russell Crowe, in an office in SoHo.他的新电影《未来三天》是由罗素·克劳主演的惊悚片,目前正在剪辑阶段,所以他在家办公。

7.She was starring at me with a faraway, trance pke expression.她凝视着我,表情朦胧恍惚。

8.Manhunt is a New York Times Bestseller and is now to be adapted into a forthcoming film starring Harrison Ford.《追捕》是《纽约时报》上的畅销书,即将被改编成一部由哈里森•福特担纲主演的电影。

9.PLEASE allow me to set up the confpct for the next Mission: Impossible film, starring Yao Ming of the Houston Rockets.请允许我来为下部《碟中谍》设计剧情,主角是休斯敦火箭队的姚明。

10.She had some trouble starting her career, starring in a few flops before giving up and moving back to commercials.她的事业一开始便遇到了困难,彻底放弃之前她拍了几部烂片,又回到广告行业。