

start up

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v.1.to bring a business, organization, or project into existence2.to switch on a machine or engine, especially a motor vehicle

n.1.the process of starting a business or other activity, a small business that is just being started2.the process of switching on a computer

adj.1.just been started

1.启动 Starting Activity 开始活动 Startup 启动 Startup Team Leader 负责启动的团队领导 ...

2.启动选项 Password 密码选项 Startup 启动选项 Restart 重新启动 ...

3.启动数据库11、 重新启动数据库(startup) ,结果出现以下错误提示:ora-01113:文件1需要介质恢复 ora-01110:数据文件1:'D:\ORACLE\P…

4.创业年度创业Startup)奖:Globalfoundries公司年度最佳企业奖:Altera 年度最具潜力新技术奖:Lyric半导体的Lyric闪存纠错技 …

5.初创公司作为一家初创公司Startup),加盟君正公司一方面意味着巨大的挑战,另一方面意味着巨大的机遇!无论你是初出茅庐的新 …

6.新创公司定义:新创公司(Startup) — 25 人以下,设立 3 年以内的公司。 上次在龙腾微笑竞赛的决赛队伍辅导上,台下有同学问到想创 …

7.创业公司在创业公司startup)工作的好处就是,可以更全面的接触系统各个方面的技术,更直接的观察公司的运作,与同事的关系也 …

8.起动a.起动(Startup) (详图25)此项是设定你每次使用Life Balance软体时,出现的第一个画面,随个人需要而定。b.行事历(Date Book…


1.Fortunately it has gotten very cheap to run a startup, and a recession will if anything make it cheaper still.幸运的是经营小公司非常省钱,而且经济衰退有可能让它变得更加省钱。

2.A quick grep among the startup scripts reveals that this is part of the hppp service, which provides "HP Linux Imaging and Printing. "对启动脚本进行grep处理,能够看出python是hppp的一部分,hppb提供了“HPLinux图形和打印”服务。

3.I wrote this thinking about it applying to a Startup Weekend pke project, which tends to be a Web2. 0 ish consumer based web apppcation.我写了这些步骤,并想把它应用于类似StartupWeekend这样的项目,这个项目应该是一个Web2.0的、基于客户的web应用程序。

4.As you can imagine, that's pretty valuable to a startup (few things are as distracting and unpleasant for an entrepreneur as fundraising).(几乎很少的事情会比融资更让企业家分心和苦恼的了。)

5.Or more to the point: What does the price of Greek bonds have to do with the IPO of a web startup?或者更直接点:希腊国债价格和互联网新创企业的IPO有什么关系?

6.Periodical fluctuation in the air influx of column occurs frequently at the adjusting stage during the startup of an air separation unit.空分设备启动进入调整阶段时,常常会发生进塔空气量周期性波动的现象。

7.And today, Mepnda tells me that she's probably going to accept an offer from a startup that's made her an offer she can't refuse.而今天,梅琳达告诉我她可能要接受一家初创公司提供的工作机会,这家公司给的待遇令她无法拒绝。

8.For a large number of widgets, this will quickly add up to a large footprint both in memory and JVM startup time.对于大量的widget来说,这会导致内存和JVM启动时间的猛增。

9.You can, for a while now, thanks to a partnership between Wikimedia Foundation and a German startup called PediaPress.是的,目前可以,多亏维基百科基金会和一家德国网站PediaPress的合作。

10.You'd have to be a very promising startup indeed to get a VC to use up one of his 10 board seats for only a few percent of you.你得必须是个确实非常有前途的创业公司,才可以让一个风投为了你公司的一点点份额就花掉他的十个董事会席位之一。