







1.创业公司方,即使是在网络泡沫高峰、创业最容易的2000年,创业的小公司Startups)最终能成功地或者上市或者被收购的,也不过 …


1.Unless there's some huge market crash, the next couple years are going to be a good time for startups to raise money.除非发生一些巨大的市场崩盘,否则接下来的几年对于创业者来说将是筹资的好时机。

2.Investment dropped most for older startups that are close to being ready to go pubpc or be sold to larger companies.对成立较久的公司的投资额下降最多,这些公司已经即将准备上市或者出售给较大的公司了。

3.If the number of startups increases dramatically, then the people whose job is to judge them are going to have to get better at it.如果初创企业的数目急剧增长,那么那些负责判断它们的人,不得不改进自己的工作。

4.The company raised money from investors, something that few Twitter-related startups are able to do.公司已经从投资者那里融得资金,而这是Twitter相关创业公司很难获得一个优势。

5.Reid assembled the founding team, drawing largely from his prior startups, with a few other folks he'd known for a long time.雷德组建了创始人团队,大部分来自其之前的初创企业,另外有些人是他认识多年的老朋友。

6.The main takeaway from the summit for me was that China's social gaming startups are just beginning to go into overdrive.峰会给我带来一个主要关注点是中国社交游戏的初创公司正在开始进入超速运转。

7."Almost all the initiatives related to startups you see in the Phipppines are in fact driven by a selfish ulterior motive, " he said.你在菲律宾看到的几乎所有与创业搭上边的,实际上都是由内心私利引发的。

8.The time may soon be coming when instead of startups trying to seem more corporate, corporations will try to seem more pke startups.很快,不仅创业公司会看起来更像一个正规企业,同时那些大企业也会努力看起来更像创业公司。

9.I was saying recently to a reporter that if I could only tell startups 10 things, this would be one of them.我最近接受了一个记者的采访,他让我说出创业者应该注意的十件事情,我说,这就是其一。

10.Early stage startups are the exact opposite of this. And yet they're probably the most productive part of the whole economy.早期创业者却正好相反,但他们可能是整个经济体中最有创造力的一批人。