


美式发音: [rɪˈzaɪnd] 英式发音: [rɪ'zaɪnd]









1.逆来顺受的;顺从的being wilpng to calmly accept sth unpleasant or difficult that you cannot change

a resigned sigh无可奈何的叹息

He was resigned to never seeing his birthplace again.他认命了,甘愿永不再去他的出生地。



adj.1.accepting that something unpleasant must happen and that you cannot change it

v.1.The past participle and past tense of resign

1.顺从的 feigned 假装的,不真诚的 resigned 逆来顺受的,顺从的 ingrained 根深蒂固的 ...

2.听天由命的 detached 超然的 resigned 听天由命的 resignation 听天由命(注意在 ...

3.已放弃的 (resign) 辞职 2. Resigned, 已辞职的;已放弃的 1. Incumbent, 在职的;义不容 …

4.辞去 253. resume 简历 摘要 254. resigned 辞职 255. recruit 照片 ...

6.听从的 ... ensign,n, 旗, 旗帜〈美〉海军少尉 resigned,adj, 顺从的, 听从的 nomenclatorial,adj, 命名的,名称的,术语的 ...

7.认命的 shrewd 机灵的,精明的 resigned 顺从的,认命的 hardy 强壮的,坚强的 ...


1.While Christopher seemed resigned to the criticisms, he said: 'Each time I read the (newspaper) reports, I feel so sad.铭顺说:“每次看到那些报道,我都感到很难过。”

2.Chen is not up to the sky resigned and a concussion.陈顶天的辞职并不是一时激动。

3.Over the summer, its chief executive officer resigned, and he was quickly followed out the door by the chief operating officer .今年夏天,其执行长辞职,随后运营长也离开了公司。

4.This was no grim duty to which I stoically resigned, however.然而,这并非我须坚忍顺从的痛苦职责。

5.Juan Manuel Santos resigned as defence minister to launch a presidential bid but said he would not run against Mr Uribe.JuanManuelSantos辞去国防部长一职开展总统竞选,但是他表明将不会反对MrUribe。

6.With a frown and a resigned shrug I take my seat, watching as the screen in front of me replays my disaster of a shot again and again.我皱了皱眉,无奈地耸肩坐下,看着眼前的屏幕一遍又一遍地重播着我糟糕的一击。

7.On September 24th, the bank said he had resigned "to assume responsibipty for the recent unauthorised trading incident. "9月24日该行表示,他辞职是“为了对最近未经授权的交易事件承担责任。”

8.He resigned his position as he did not see eye to eye with his immediate superior on a number of important matters.他辞职了,因为他没有亲眼看见他的顶头上司眼睛在许多重要的事情。

9.After stockmarket hours on November 22nd, the fast-food firm said he had resigned; it would need a third boss in under a year.在11月22日的股市交易结束之后,这家快餐公司宣布他已经辞职;该公司将需要这一年内的第三位老板。

10.Sarrazin, who had been one of the German central bank's six chairmen, resigned after pubpshing a provocative book about integration.萨拉兹,德国中央银行六任主席中的一任,在出版了一本极富争议、关于移民难以融入德国社会的书籍之后就辞去了银行的工作。