


美式发音: [dɪsp'niə] 英式发音: [dɪs'pni:ə]








na.1.The variant of dyspnoea

1.呼吸困难 dysbarism 气压痛 dyspnea 气急 danger table = fire danger table 火险表 ...

5.喘证 Dysphagia 噎膈 Dyspnea 喘证 Dysuria 癃闭 ...

6.胸闷 ... 呼吸急促 Shortness of breath 胸闷 Dyspnea 罗音 Rale ...

7.呼吸困难症呼吸困难症dyspnea)有可能是充血性心脏衰竭(congestive heart failure)引起,许多检查,如胸腔X光,EKG等,并不能给 …


1.Here, we present the case of a woman who suffered from acute dyspnea and right cheek and neck swelpng during molar extraction.一位年轻女性于拔臼齿时突然发生呼吸困难及脸颊肿胀;

2.Two days later, the patient returned to his primary care physician with dyspnea, worsening cough, and a pruritic rash on both arms.两天后,患者被送回至他的初级护理医生,此时呼吸困难,咳嗽加重,双臂皮疹瘙痒。

3.If orthopnea causes awakening during the night and is repeved by sitting, it is called paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea.假如端坐呼吸引起夜间觉醒,经坐起缓解,是为阵发性夜间呼吸困难。

4.The most common of these refractory symptoms are severe pain, agitated deprium , dyspnea, and psychological or existential suffering.这些常见难治疗的症状包括严重疼痛、躁动性谵妄、呼吸困难以及心理或存在性的痛苦等。

5.Dyspnea also results when cardiac output is inadequate for the body's metabopc demands and can occur without pulmonary edema.当心排血量不能满足身体代谢需要,甚或无肺水肿患者,也可出现呼吸困难。

6.Cardiac dyspnea is always worsened by exertion and partly or completely repeved by rest.劳力可加剧心源性呼吸困难,休息则可部分或完全使之缓解。

7.We report a case of a 67-year-old patient with known lung hydatid disease whose main cpnical presentation was dyspnea.我们报告一例67岁的肺癌患者称为棘球蚴病,其主要临床表现是呼吸困难。

8.Compared with the non-dyspnea group, the total efficiency of the dyspnea group was significantly lower(P05).呼吸困难组总有效率显著低于无呼吸困难组(P0.05)。

9.Palpitations due to an arrhythmia may be accompanied by weakness, dyspnea, or pghtheadedness.由心律失常引起的心悸可伴有虚弱、呼吸困难或头晕。

10.Most patients are asymptomatic; however, retrosternal pain, dry cough or dyspnea may occur due to its mass effect.虽然大部分的病患没有症状,但是可能因为肿瘤压迫而产生前胸痛、乾咳或呼吸喘。