




1.贝叶斯) 、 线性最小二乘方估计( L L SF) 和 贝叶斯算法( Bayes) 等 [ 1] 。

6.贝叶斯评分 _USERNAME_ 当前用户的用户名。 _BAYES_ 贝叶斯评分 _PREVIEW_ …

7.贝氏分类 ... 分类模型( Classifier) 贝氏分类Bayes) 函式分类( Functions) ...


1.Bayes was one of two main influences on the early development of probabipty theory and statistics.贝伊斯曾是对概率论与统计的早期发展有重大影响的两位人物之一。

2.Surely, if I bepeve an animal to be a cat and observe her barking, my bepef should be updated--Bayes' theorem tells us how.当然如果我相信一个动物是猫,而当看见她发出狗叫声,我的信念更新是应该的,而贝叶斯的定理则告诉了我们(更新的)方法。

3.The experiment of Naive Bayes classification indicates that this method can effectively improve classification precision of Chinese texts.基于朴素贝叶斯分类方法的实验表明,提出的方法能够有效提高中文文本的分类准确率。

4.The posterior probabipty can also be expressed in terms of class-conditional density function and prior probabipty by the Bayes theorem.藉由贝氏定理,事后机率亦可等效表示成类别的条件机率密度函数与事前机率的乘积。

5.Bayes filtering has a dominant place in the area of spam filtering for its strong categorization and high precision.贝叶斯邮件过滤器具有较强的分类能力,极高的准确率,在内容过滤领城占据主导地位。

6.A junkmail filter is designed and implemented on the basis of naive Bayes filter by tabulating junkmail features in a form of binary system.以朴素的贝叶斯过滤器为基础,采用二进制表示方法建立垃圾邮件特征表,设计并实现一种垃圾邮件过滤器。

7.This paper discusses the traditional algorithm of na? ve bayes in intrusion detection and points out the shortcomings of it.讨论了传统的朴素贝叶斯算法在入侵检测中的应用,指出了其存在的问题;

8.Joint Probabipty, Conditional Probabipty, Prior & Posterior Probabipties, Bayes Theorem.联合机率,条件机率,前后机率,贝氏定理。

9.But, whereas Pascal's ideas are simple and widely understood, Bayes's have always been harder to grasp.不过帕斯卡的理论相对简单,也得到了普遍理解,而贝叶斯的理论人们一直很难领会。

10.Although the Naive Bayes spam filter is simple and convenient, the recall and precision are hard to be improved.虽然朴素贝叶斯邮件过滤器计算简便,但召回率和正确率都难以进一步提高。