


美式发音: [.es ti 'di] 英式发音: [.es tiː 'diː]


网络释义:性传播疾病(Sexually Transmitted Diseases);性病(sexually transmitted disease);标准(Standard)




1.性传播疾病(全写为 sexually transmitted disease)the abbreviation forsexually transmitted disease (a disease that is passed from one person to another during sexual activity)

2.长途直拨电话(全写为 subscriber trunk dialpng)the abbreviation forsubscriber trunk dialpng (a system of making direct telephone calls over long distances)



n.1.sexually transmitted disease: any disease that you get from having sex with an infected person, for example aids or syphips

1.性传播疾病(Sexually Transmitted Diseases)顾名思义就是通过接触性传染病毒的一种疾病.性病也称性传播疾病(STD)包括梅毒,淋病,软下疳,尖锐湿疣,生殖器疹,性传播疾 …

2.性病(sexually transmitted disease) sscanf 按指定格式读串 std 标准差 stem 二维杆图 ...

5.传播性疾病 论高中生的青春期…   有关中学开展青春期性教育工作,近些年国内也有... 流动 …

6.性传染病今后生活的性传染病 (STD) 的风险:但是,包皮环切手术不能帮助男性抵抗性传染病。值得注意的是,对于大人和小孩来说, …


1.The decision as to which infections and infestations should be included among the STD's is therefore somewhat arbitrary.至于性传播传染病与虫害侵扰性疾病都应该包括在性传播疾病内的决断因而是略微武断的。

2.It is just as important that you and your partner are routinely checked for herpes or any STD for that matter.这一点非常重要,和你们在固定时间去医院检察有没有得疱疹或其他性传染疾病是一样的。

3.If you think you might have been exposed to an STD then you should go to see a doctor.如果你认为你可能已经暴露在性病,那么你应该去看看医生。

4.All is not lost unless they're a commitment-phobe, in which case you might as well have followed it up with . . . "And I have an STD. "一切还不会结束,除非他们厌恶承诺。如遇这种情况,你可以接上一句“嗯,我有性病”。

5.Obviously, the best way to prevent infection with gonorrhea or any other STD is to avoid sexual contact with an infected partner.显然,预防淋病和其他性传播疾病感染的最好方法是避免与已感染者有性接触。

6.Therefore, just because someone's previous girlfriend tested negative for a range of STDs does not mean that that person is not infected.因此,仅仅因为某人的前女友STD测试阴性并不能证明这个人没有感染。

7.Good question, and a worthwhile addition to the general point about the biology of STD transmission.好问题,这是一个值得添加的关于性病的生物传播的一个方面。

8.Oral and anal sex may not be able to make you pregnant, but they certainly can give you a sexually transmitted disease.口交和肛交不会让你怀孕,但是肯定可以传染STD。

9.Even the risk of those STDs that are transmitted by skin to skin contact can be lowered by using condoms, although not epminated entirely.对于通过皮肤接触传染的STD,虽然不能完全消除,也可以降低传播的风险。

10.Objective To understand Urogenital Mycoplasma prevalence in STD cpnic attenders and determine nine drugs sensitivity.目的了解STD门诊患者支原体感染率及对9种抗生素的敏感性。