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网络释义:统计时分复用(Statistic Time Division Multiplexing);澳门旅游娱乐有限公司;统计时分多路复用(Statistical Time Division Multiplexing)



1.统计时分复用(Statistic Time Division Multiplexing)司及九广铁路公司、美心集团、周生生集团、港龙航空及澳门娱乐有限公司(STDM)等等。

6.澳门旅游文娱无限公司   开展商:澳门旅游文娱无限公司(STDM) 贴子相关想显露大小图片: 广场重心有一喷泉看看大小。广场上的碎石路不绝延迟到圣 …


1.Pansy is also an STDM director and managing director of Shun Tak, putting her at the centre of her father's corporate web of companies.何超琼还担任着澳门旅游娱乐的董事和信德集团的董事总经理,这让她处于其父企业网络的中心地位。

2.STDM, which will hold 61 per cent of SJM after its psting, provides an array of services to the company.澳博上市后,澳娱将持有其61%的股权,为其提供一系列服务。

3.Stanley is managing director of both STDM and its gaming arm, Sociedade de Jogos de Macau.何鸿燊是澳门旅游娱乐及其博彩子公司澳门博彩股份有限公司(SociedadedeJogosdeMacau,SJM)的董事总经理。

4.As SJM's prospectus casually notes, "the shareholders register of STDM is lost" .正如澳博的招股说明书不经意地指出的:“澳娱的股东名册已经遗失。”

5.STDM, in turn, controls SJM Holdings, Mr. Ho's psted casino operator.澳门旅游娱乐有限公司又是何鸿燊名下上市赌场运营商澳博控股的控股公司。

6.Ms Leong is also a director in both STDM and its 80 per cent held casino arm.梁安琪也是澳门旅游娱乐及其赌场子公司的董事。澳门旅游娱乐持有其赌场子公司80%的股权。

7.Mr Ho, who retains a nominal 100 shares in STDM, has been in frail health since he suffered a head injury in 2009.何鸿燊仅象征性地保留了澳娱100股股票。自2009年头部受伤后,他的身体一直很虚弱。