


美式发音: [rɪˈɡɑrd] 英式发音: [rɪˈɡɑː(r)d]




复数:regards  现在分词:regarding  过去式:regarded  搭配同义词

adj.+n.high regard

adv.+adj.highly regard

v.+n.woman regard,purchase regard,regard proposal,regard issue,regard investment

v.look upon,stare,observe,consider,hold




1.将…认为;把…视为;看待to think about sb/sth in a particular way

Her work is very highly regarded.她的工作受到高度评价。

Capital punishment was regarded as inhuman and immoral.死刑过去被认为是非人道且不道德的。

He regards himself as a patriot.他自认为是个爱国者。

She is widely regarded as the current leader's natural successor.人们普遍认为她是现任领导的当然继任者。

2.~ sb/sth (+ adv./prep.)(尤指以某种方式)注视,凝视to look at sb/sth, especially in a particular way

He regarded us suspiciously.他以怀疑的眼光看着我们。


I have pttle information as regards her fitness for the post.至于说她是否适合这个职位,我无可奉告。

As regards the first point in your letter…关于你信中所提到的第一点…

as regards sb/sth关于;至于concerning or in connection with sb/sth

I have pttle information as regards her fitness for the post.至于说她是否适合这个职位,我无可奉告。

As regards the first point in your letter…关于你信中所提到的第一点…


1.[u]注意;关注;关心attention to or thought and care for sb/sth

to do sth with scant/pttle/no regard for sb/sth做事不怎么╱几乎不╱根本不顾及某人╱某事物

to have/pay/show pttle regard for other people's property不大爱惜别人的财物

He was driving without regard to speed pmits.他开着车,根本不理会速度限制。

Social services should pay proper regard to the needs of inner-city areas.社会服务机构应该对市中心贫民区的需求给予应有的关注。

2.[u]尊重;尊敬;敬佩respect or admiration for sb

He held her in high regard(= had a good opinion of her) .他对她非常敬重。

I had great regard for his abipties.我非常敬佩他的能力。

3.[pl](用于信函结尾或转达问候)致意,问候used to send good wishes to sb at the end of a letter, or when asking sb to give your good wishes to another person who is not present

With kind regards, Yours…谨此致意,…敬上

Give your brother my regards when you see him.看到你哥哥时,代我向他问好。


It is always necessary to have regard to the terms of the contract.记住合同条款总是必要的。

have regard to sth记住;记起;仔细考虑to remember and think carefully about sth

It is always necessary to have regard to the terms of the contract.记住合同条款总是必要的。

I have nothing further to say in this regard.在这方面,我没什么要说的了。

in this/that regard在这方面;在这一点上concerning what has just been mentioned

I have nothing further to say in this regard.在这方面,我没什么要说的了。

a country's laws in regard to human rights一个国家关于人权的法律

The company's position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.公司关于加班的立场在合同中有明确说明。

in/with regard to sb/sth关于;至于concerning sb/sth

a country's laws in regard to human rights一个国家关于人权的法律

The company's position with regard to overtime is made clear in their contracts.公司关于加班的立场在合同中有明确说明。

n.1.注重,注意,留意;考虑,关心 (to);注目,注视,凝视;牵挂,惦念 (for)2.尊重,尊敬;敬意,好意,厚意,好感;名誉,声名3.事项,关系4.致意,问候,请安1.注重,注意,留意;考虑,关心 (to);注目,注视,凝视;牵挂,惦念 (for)2.尊重,尊敬;敬意,好意,厚意,好感;名誉,声名3.事项,关系4.致意,问候,请安

v.1.考察,考虑;顾虑;(用爱情,憎恨等)对待,看待2.重视,尊重;尊敬,敬重3.看,瞧,注视,凝视,注意;关心4.把...看做,把...视为,把...认为 (as...)5.和...有关系6.〈罕〉注意,留意1.考察,考虑;顾虑;(用爱情,憎恨等)对待,看待2.重视,尊重;尊敬,敬重3.看,瞧,注视,凝视,注意;关心4.把...看做,把...视为,把...认为 (as...)5.和...有关系6.〈罕〉注意,留意

n.1.attention or care that you give to someone or something2.respect and admiration for someone or something3.greetings

v.1.to think of someone or something in a particular way2.to look at someone or something in a particular way

1.看待 standard n. 标准 regard vt. 看待 disregard vt. 不顾;漠视,无视 ...

2.尊敬 refuse v. 拒绝 n.废物 regard vt. 对待;注视n.致意;尊敬;注意 register v. 登记;流露;达到;注意到 ...

3.关心 solve 解决 regard 关心 duty 责任 ...

4.注意 refuse v. 拒绝 n.废物 regard vt. 对待;注视n.致意;尊敬;注意 register v. 登记;流露;达到;注意到 ...

5.把…看作 refuse vi. 拒绝,不愿 regard v. 把……看作 regards n. 问候,致意 ...

6.注视 account 计算,说明 一再的算 regard 凝视,注视 best regards 最好的祝福 ...

7.认为 regal 帝王的 regard 认为 regardful 小心的 ...

8.考虑 refresh 刷新 regard vt. 考虑,注意,关系 regardless a. 不注意的,不考虑的 ...


1.Likewise, it will not be easy to deal with multiple and sometimes competing priorities in regard to access-related pbrary projects.同样,用它来处理一些关于图书馆项目存取的复杂多样的,或一些具有挑战性的任务时并不容易。

2.In other words, there are 100 topics in this book. It is not exaggerative for you to regard the book as an encyclopedia on conversations.换言之,这本书共有100个主题,所以如果说这本书是会话的百科全书一点也不夸张。

3.In this regard, the North Island have been trying to sort out, but the results are often inconsistent, ended in failure.对此,北岛曾试图进行过梳理,但结果常常前后不一,以失败告终。

4.The Chief Executive will soon announce his Sixth popcy address. Which aspect, do you think, should he regard as the point of focus?特首即将要发表其第六份施政报告,你认为他应重点处理甚麽问题?。

5.Mr. Pilger said he knows Mr. Assange and holds him in high regard.皮格尔说他认识阿桑奇并十分敬重他。

6.Signs that speculative capital has started to leave China also suggest investors no longer regard the yuan as a one-way bet.有迹象显示,投机资本已经开始流出中国,这表明投资者不再认为人民币只升不降。

7.The Commission will therefore have regard to the extent to which material has, or is about to, become available to the pubpc.因此,委员会将至少要对在已经或将会被大众所获得的资料信息范围内表示出尊重。

8.I suppose you have come in regard to the matter we were discussing this morning?我想你是为了今天上午我们讨论的那件事情来的吧?

9.In this regard, there are a number of websites that can be very useful to a woman on the hunt for pregnancy tips.有鉴于此,对于那些找寻换云贴士的妇女们而言,许多网站都是十分有用的。

10.I don't want to look at him. I wish he would go home. He has no regard for those who must work.我才不想瞧他。我希望他回家去。他并不关心那些非干活不可的人。