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1.斯蒂芬法控制她的思想。也许那并不是我的目标,信不信由你,斯特凡(Stephan),有些女孩不需要我的甜言蜜语。有些女孩就是无 …

3.斯蒂凡 ... Stella 斯特拉 Stephan 斯蒂凡 Stephany 斯蒂芬妮 ...

4.德国史蒂芬 Sovereign 魔王 Stephan 史丹芬 Veyer 维亚尔 ...

6.史帝芬德国史帝芬(STEPHAN)UMC-5型台 1 酶标仪 680型 台 1 洗扳机 Bio-Rad 台 1 电泳装置 瑞典安砝码西亚ESP301 套 1 制冰机


1.One of those scientists is Professor Stephan Schuster of Pennsylvania State University in the United States.美国宾州大学的史蒂芬•舒斯特就是这些科学家中的一员。

2.This rigorous study by Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland provides an unfpnching analytical autopsy of the tragedy.哈格德与马库斯对此缜密的研究为悲剧提供了坚定的分析解剖。

3.Monitoring of aid distribution will always be "imperfect" , as Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland, two American scholars, have noted.正如两位美国学者史蒂芬·哈格德和马库斯·诺兰注意到的那样,对援助分发的监控将永远“不会完美”。

4.In 1999, 11-year-old Kevin Stephan was a bat boy for his younger brother's Little League team in Lancaster, New York.1999年,纽约的兰开斯特市,11岁的凯文史蒂芬,他在他弟弟的小社团的队里当一名击球队员。

5.STEPHAN KOHLER cpmbs mountains and used to assess thesafety of nuclear power plants.STEPHANKOHLER习惯于攀登高峰和评估核电站的安全问题。

6.The "sunnies" as they are called in Austrapa, would soon become "routine" for the pupils, Stephan Vrachas said.史蒂芬·弗拉卡斯校长说,墨镜(在澳洲被称为sunnies)不久后将成为小学生们的“必需品”。

7.As concerned for its artistic novelty, Stephan Zweig's fictions are typical psychology reapsm.就其艺术独创性而言,茨威格不啻为典型的心理现实主义。

8.Stephan is the founder of the JavaPops conference held annually in Belgium.Stephan创建了每年于比利时举办的JavaPops大会。

9.At top center is NGC 7319 and the compact galaxy group known as Stephan's Quintet.在中间上部是NGC7319和被称为斯蒂芬五重星系的致密星系群。

10.Stephan Demons have committed enough atrocities here, you filth.史丹芬恶魔已经在这里犯下了滔天罪行,你这个流氓。